I want to draw a diagram attached in the image below. I have been able to design some part as follows


     \coordinate (O) at (0,0);
      \draw[fill=red!30] (O) circle (2.8);
      \draw[fill=green!40] (O) circle (2);

   \draw[decoration={text along path,reverse path,text align={align=center},text= 
 {Haha}},decorate] (0.5,0) arc (0:180:0.5);
   \draw[decoration={text along path,reverse path,text align={align=center},text=. 
 {Text}},decorate] (1.3,0) arc (0:180:1.3);
   \draw[decoration={text along path,reverse path,text align={align=center},text={Should be 
    here any!}},decorate] (2.1,0) arc (0:180:2.1);
  \draw[decoration={text along path,reverse path,text align={align=center},text={Hello, how 
   are you?}},decorate] (2.9,0) arc (0:180:2.9);



1 Answer 1


Maybe I am missing something but getting something reminiscent of the drawing is as simple as

 \node (XYZ) {XYZ};
 \node[right=1em of XYZ] (ABC) {ABC};
 append after command={(\tikzlastnode.north) edge[thick,bend left=20] (\tikzlastnode.south)}]{};

enter image description here

If you want to have a symmetric node even if the node texts are not equally wide, you can use

 \node (XYZ) {XYZ};
 \node[right=1em of XYZ] (ABC) {ABCDE};
 \path ($(XYZ.east)!0.5!(ABC.west)$) coordinate (M) let \p1=($(M)-(XYZ.west)$),
  \p4=($(ABC.north)-(ABC.south)$), \n1={max(\x1,\x2)},\n2={max(\y3,\y4)/2} in
    ([xshift=-\n1,yshift=\n2]M) coordinate (aux1)
    ([xshift=-\n1,yshift=-\n2]M) coordinate (aux2)
    ([xshift=\n1,yshift=\n2]M) coordinate (aux3)
    ([xshift=\n1,yshift=-\n2]M) coordinate (aux4)
 append after command={(\tikzlastnode.north) edge[thick,bend left=20] (\tikzlastnode.south)}]{};

enter image description here

You can also do an asymmetric version.

 \node (XYZ) {XYZ};
 \node[right=1em of XYZ] (ABC) {ABCDEFGH};
 \path (XYZ) -- (ABC) coordinate[midway](aux);
 \node[name path=elli,ellipse,draw,thick,fit=(XYZ)(ABC),label=30:DEF](F){};
 \path[name path=vert] (aux|-F.north) -- (aux|-F.south);
 \draw[thick,name intersections={of=elli and vert}] 
  (intersection-1) to[bend left=20] (intersection-2);

enter image description here

  • Something like this. Diagram which is like egg shaped and center line is need to be curvy. Thanks for the diagram.
    – nice guy
    Commented Jun 8, 2020 at 6:08
  • 2
    @niceguy I bent the line in the middle.
    – user194703
    Commented Jun 8, 2020 at 6:10
  • Instead of wrting ABC if I write ABCDEFGH then it is overlapping with the bending line in the first part of the code.
    – nice guy
    Commented Jun 8, 2020 at 6:39
  • 2
    @niceguy Not with the second code.
    – user194703
    Commented Jun 8, 2020 at 6:40
  • Is it possible to reduce the streching that one gets after adding a text inside the shape?
    – nice guy
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 5:44

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