I want to draw a diagram attached in the image below. I have been able to design some part as follows
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\draw[fill=red!30] (O) circle (2.8);
\draw[fill=green!40] (O) circle (2);
\draw[decoration={text along path,reverse path,text align={align=center},text=
{Haha}},decorate] (0.5,0) arc (0:180:0.5);
\draw[decoration={text along path,reverse path,text align={align=center},text=.
{Text}},decorate] (1.3,0) arc (0:180:1.3);
\draw[decoration={text along path,reverse path,text align={align=center},text={Should be
here any!}},decorate] (2.1,0) arc (0:180:2.1);
\draw[decoration={text along path,reverse path,text align={align=center},text={Hello, how
are you?}},decorate] (2.9,0) arc (0:180:2.9);