Consider the following code:

\feynmandiagram[vertical=a to b]{
l --[fermion] a --[fermion] i,
a --[photon] b,
j --[anti fermion] b --[anti fermion] k,

This gives the result as

enter image description here

However, what I wanted is

enter image description here

How can I draw the above diagram? Also I don't understand why vertical=a to b command is ignored.


1 Answer 1


with pdflatex the output

enter image description here

with lualatex

enter image description here

    \feynmandiagram[vertical'=a to b, baseline=($0.5*(a)+0.5*(b)$)]{
        i1 [particle=a]
            -- [fermion] a [dot]
            -- [fermion] f1 [particle=c],
        a -- [boson, edge label'=z] b [dot],
        i2 [particle=b]
            -- [anti fermion] b
            -- [anti fermion] f2 [particle=d]
    \( \qquad \longrightarrow \qquad \)
    \feynmandiagram[horizontal=i to a, baseline=(i.base)]{
        i [particle=ab]
            -- a [blob],
            -- [fermion] f1 [particle=c],
            -- [anti fermion] f2 [particle=d]
\feynmandiagram[vertical=a to b]{
    l --[fermion] a --[fermion] i,
    a --[photon] b,
    j --[anti fermion] b --[anti fermion] k,

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