I want to have a rule in the middle of a line which starts at end of a section and goes all the way to the right margin of a page.

I have seen several posts with solutions and the best one I found is by using this:





\section{section \centerrule}


This works fine, but I would like to apply the \centerrule with titlesec package. Which doesn't work. No matter how I add it, the rule is either in front of the \section or under it. Is there any way to achieve this?

  • Check out leaders and the example on page 225 of the TeXbooku sing {\leaders\hrule}. Jun 15, 2020 at 20:07

1 Answer 1


This uses leaders. The tricky bit was figuring out how to raise the \hrule.


\def\leaderfill{\leaders\hrule height4.5pt depth-4pt\hfill\space}


\section[section]{section \leaderfill}

\section[blindtext]{\sloppy\blindtext \leaderfill}


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