Possible Duplicate:
Section added by \addcontentsline on the wrong page

I have a document in report class with


This does not add an entry for the bibliography. Changing \printbibliography to


works, although I have no idea what it actually does. Still, the entry is not numbered, it looks like this

Table of Contents  
Table of Contents ................ 1  
1 test ........................... 2  
Literatur ........................ 3

My questions: What does heading=bibintoc and how can I have the bibliography numbered automatically?


1 Answer 1


Instead of using tocbibind, you can simply use the bibnumbered heading which will create a numbered heading which is also added to the table of contents:

  • 1
    Could you extend your answer for displaying the list of figures and list of tables in the ToC without the tocbibind package? Thank you!
    – strauberry
    Commented Jan 6, 2014 at 12:04

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