I looked at the template xsim_crossref.tex (in the XSIM documentation) to create hyperlinks between statements and solutions.

It works fine but now I would like to hide the empty references (exercises with no solution). As suggested in the first comment, this can be done with the conditional test \IfExistSolutionTF, but the first exercise with no solution is empty.

  1. How can I fix it ?
  2. Would it be possible to have just one solution environment ? i.e. to delete solprob and just use sol in the sequel.





% Traductions
    Fallback = problème ,
    English  = problem ,
    French   = problème ,
    Fallback = problèmes ,
    English  = problems ,
    French   = problèmes ,
    exercise-env      = exo ,
    solution-env      = sol ,
    exercise-name     = \XSIMtranslate{exercise} ,
    exercises-name    = \XSIMtranslate{exercises} ,
    solution-name     = \XSIMtranslate{solution} ,
    solutions-name    = \XSIMtranslate{solutions} ,
    exercise-template = custom ,
    solution-template = custom ,
    exercise-heading  = custom ,
    solution-heading  = custom
    exercise-env      = prob ,
    solution-env      = solprob ,
    exercise-name     = \XSIMtranslate{problem} ,
    exercises-name    = \XSIMtranslate{problems} ,
    solution-name     = \XSIMtranslate{solution} ,
    solutions-name    = \XSIMtranslate{solutions} ,
    exercise-template = custom ,
    solution-template = custom ,
    exercise-heading  = custom ,
    solution-heading  = custom
    print-solutions/headings-template = custom ,
    print-solutions/headings = false ,


\chapter{First chapter}



\begin{prob}[subtitle={A problem but "solprob" instead of "sol" is mandatory}]



enter image description here

  • You should be able to check for an existing solution in the template with \IfExistSolutionTF
    – cgnieder
    Commented Jun 16, 2020 at 11:24
  • Thanks ! I'm going to try.
    – jowe_19
    Commented Jun 16, 2020 at 12:00
  • I have edited my question taking into account the first comment, but now an exercise having no solution is printed empty.
    – jowe_19
    Commented Jun 16, 2020 at 12:56
  • Your code compiles with errors. If I exchange remove the unnecessary \XSIMmixedcase from \XSIMmixedcase{Énoncé}, i.e. only use Énoncé and add the missing third argument to \DeclareExerciseEnvironmentTemplate then the code compiles without errors and the first exercise is not empty
    – cgnieder
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 11:26
  • I have deleted all the auxiliary files and bodies of exercises/answers. The code compiles without errors, but the first exercise is still empty (whereas the body file is not ... ). Do you think that the code (updated) in the question is now correct?
    – jowe_19
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 14:26

1 Answer 1


According to the comments of cgnieder, the following code does finally the trick.



% Traductions
    Fallback = problème ,
    English  = problem ,
    French   = problème ,
    Fallback = problèmes ,
    English  = problems ,
    French   = problèmes ,
    exercise-env      = exo ,
    solution-env      = sol ,
    exercise-name     = \XSIMtranslate{exercise} ,
    exercises-name    = \XSIMtranslate{exercises} ,
    solution-name     = \XSIMtranslate{solution} ,
    solutions-name    = \XSIMtranslate{solutions} ,
    exercise-template = custom ,
    solution-template = custom ,
    exercise-heading  = custom ,
    solution-heading  = custom
    exercise-env      = prob ,
    solution-env      = solprob ,
    exercise-name     = \XSIMtranslate{problem} ,
    exercises-name    = \XSIMtranslate{problems} ,
    solution-name     = \XSIMtranslate{solution} ,
    solutions-name    = \XSIMtranslate{solutions} ,
    exercise-template = custom ,
    solution-template = custom ,
    exercise-heading  = custom ,
    solution-heading  = custom
    print-solutions/headings-template = custom ,
    print-solutions/headings = false ,


\chapter{First chapter}






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