I created this mindmap to illustrate a big system that I built.

enter image description here

As I am describing it, I need to have a small portion of the mindmap along with the text, so that the reader understands better which part I am writing about.

Is it possible to show only a part of the mindmap? Maybe a "zoom in" effect or "isolate" a branch or "focus"? Ideas are welcome. One idea is to have a portion like this:

enter image description here

UPDATED question to show what I got so far and put the code in a single file.

Here is the MWE:



\coordinate (a) at (8.2,7.5);
\coordinate (b) at (6,7.5);
\coordinate (c) at (2.1,5);
\coordinate (d) at (2.1,-1.5);
\coordinate (e) at (6,-3.6);
\coordinate (f) at (8.2,-3.6);

\draw (a)--(b)--(c)--(d)--(e)--(f)--cycle;
%\clip (a)--(b)--(c)--(d)--(e)--(f)--cycle; %The problem is here

\path[mindmap, concept color=mmcolor1, text=white]
    node [concept] {\textbf{Central\\ Node\\ with a big\\ title.}}%
    child [grow = 90,concept color=mmcolor2]{
      node[concept] {Sablabla Measurements}
      child [grow = 180, level distance=3.6cm]{ node[concept](aaaa)    {AAAA} }
      child [grow = 135]{ node[concept](bbb)     {BBB}  }
      child [grow = 90] { node[concept](nnnn) {NNNN}
        child [grow = -30] {node[concept,font=\normalsize] (pyyy) {pyyy Yyy}} }
    child [grow=180,concept color=mmcolor3]{
    node[concept] {Pablablablabla Measurements}
        child [grow=90]{
        node[concept,scale=1.2,font=\tiny] {Pablablablabla Mmmmmmm} }
    child [concept color=mmcolor4, grow=45]{
      node[concept] {Immmmmmmmmm Tiiiii}
      child [grow=0, level distance=3.4cm] { node[concept](reeeeee){reeeeee}
        child [grow=90,text width=1.5cm]{
        node[concept,font=\footnotesize] {Hhhhhhhh\\ Aaaaaaa} }}
      child [grow=-45]{ node[concept](coooooooo) {coooooooo} }
      child [grow=-90]{ node[concept](nbbbb) {Nbbbbb} }
    child [concept color=mmcolor5, grow=-140] {%
      node[concept] {Piiiiiiiiiii Peeeeeeeeeeee}
      child [grow=-45]  { node[concept](eee) {BBBB (eee)} }
      child [grow=-90,level distance=3.3cm]  { node[concept](ppp) {HHHHH (ppp)} }
      child [grow=0]    { node[concept](yyyyyyyy) {YYYY\\(yyy-yyyyyyy)} }

\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor2, text=white]
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](gooooo) at (-3,10){Gooooo\\ foooo};

\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor21, text=white]
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](suuuuuuuuuuuuu) at (2,10){Suuuuuuuu Meeeeee};

\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor4, text=white]
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](pssssssss) at (7,-2){pssssssss};

\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor5, text=white]
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](oppppp) at (0.7,-6.5){oppppp\\ Cyyyy};

\path[mindmap,concept color=blue, text=white]%
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](lsl) at (3.5,-4){Laa\\ Aaaaaaaa\\ Aaaaa}
    child [grow=-30,concept color=mmcolor7,level distance=3.3cm]{%
    node[concept,scale=0.8,font=\small] {Opppp Live}}
    child [grow=-90,concept color=mmcolor7,level distance=4.2cm]{ node[concept,scale=1.0,font=\normalsize] {Pyyyyy YYYYY Yyyyyyyyyy}
        child [grow=0,concept color=red,level distance=4cm]{%
        node[concept,scale=1.4,font=\tiny] {Piiiiiiiiiiii Mmmmmmm}}

\newcommand{\ca}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor2) to (mmcolor2)]}
\newcommand{\cb}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor2) to (mmcolor21)]}
\newcommand{\cc}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor5) to (mmcolor5)]}
\newcommand{\cd}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor5) to (mmcolor6)]}
\newcommand{\ce}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor4) to (mmcolor4)]}
\newcommand{\cf}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor4) to (mmcolor6)]}

      \path (gooooo) \cb (suuuuuuuuuuuuu);
      \path (aaaa) \ca (gooooo);
      \path (bbb) \ca (gooooo);
      \path (nnnn) \ca (gooooo);
      \path (pyyy) \cb (suuuuuuuuuuuuu);
      \path (reeeeee) \ce (pssssssss);
      \path (coooooooo) \ce (pssssssss);
      \path (nbbbb) \ce (pssssssss);
      \path (eee) \cc (oppppp);
      \path (ppp) \cc (oppppp);
      \path (yyyyyyyy) \cd (lsl);
      \path (oppppp) \cd (lsl);
      \path (pssssssss) \cf (lsl);

\caption{Big system to describe.}

With the suggestions by @jet, executing the code above I get a nice path around the blue part the with \drawcommand. I thought that now that I visually validate the area to be cliped I just substitute \draw with \clip. But what happens is I get the some joints from other nodes:

Here is the picture with the \draw command and next, with the \clip command: enter image description here enter image description here

I believe the problem might be in last part of the tikzpicture, the pgfonlayer. I just used it to link the dark blue node (that is not a child of the main node) to the other nodes. I do not know other way to do it. And I don't want to clip/trim a pdf because I want to keep the nodes referenceable.

  • 1
    I recall that you can clip a part of your mindmap.
    – JeT
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 16:46
  • There is even the views library, but I've never used it.
    – vi pa
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 11:53
  • @vipa I think the views library only works with rectangle shapes
    – Pedro
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 11:15
  • It makes perfect sense to split your figure into a separate file, but NOT for an example where other people are to help you with an unrelated problem. Create a MWE with the problem. Why are you using a background layer? -I believe that is causing the problem. Commented Jun 26, 2020 at 11:10
  • @hpekristiansen Thanks for the note, was not aware that was not a MWE. A MWE is simply done by putting all the tikzpicture code in the main.tex where it says \input{mindmap-texforum1.tikz}. I am using background layer to create connections between nodes that are not childs of the main node (the dark blue node that says Laaaa. I did not know how to do it other way.
    – Pedro
    Commented Jun 26, 2020 at 12:45

2 Answers 2


I still do not understand what the background layer is used for!?

I simply removed it, and enabled clip:



\coordinate (a) at (8.2,7.5);
\coordinate (b) at (6,7.5);
\coordinate (c) at (2.1,5);
\coordinate (d) at (2.1,-1.5);
\coordinate (e) at (6,-3.6);
\coordinate (f) at (8.2,-3.6);

%\draw (a)--(b)--(c)--(d)--(e)--(f)--cycle;
\clip (a)--(b)--(c)--(d)--(e)--(f)--cycle; %The problem is here

\path[mindmap, concept color=mmcolor1, text=white]
    node [concept] {\textbf{Central\\ Node\\ with a big\\ title.}}%
    child [grow = 90,concept color=mmcolor2]{
      node[concept] {Sablabla Measurements}
      child [grow = 180, level distance=3.6cm]{ node[concept](aaaa)    {AAAA} }
      child [grow = 135]{ node[concept](bbb)     {BBB}  }
      child [grow = 90] { node[concept](nnnn) {NNNN}
        child [grow = -30] {node[concept,font=\normalsize] (pyyy) {pyyy Yyy}} }
    child [grow=180,concept color=mmcolor3]{
    node[concept] {Pablablablabla Measurements}
        child [grow=90]{
        node[concept,scale=1.2,font=\tiny] {Pablablablabla Mmmmmmm} }
    child [concept color=mmcolor4, grow=45]{
      node[concept] {Immmmmmmmmm Tiiiii}
      child [grow=0, level distance=3.4cm] { node[concept](reeeeee){reeeeee}
        child [grow=90,text width=1.5cm]{
        node[concept,font=\footnotesize] {Hhhhhhhh\\ Aaaaaaa} }}
      child [grow=-45]{ node[concept](coooooooo) {coooooooo} }
      child [grow=-90]{ node[concept](nbbbb) {Nbbbbb} }
    child [concept color=mmcolor5, grow=-140] {%
      node[concept] {Piiiiiiiiiii Peeeeeeeeeeee}
      child [grow=-45]  { node[concept](eee) {BBBB (eee)} }
      child [grow=-90,level distance=3.3cm]  { node[concept](ppp) {HHHHH (ppp)} }
      child [grow=0]    { node[concept](yyyyyyyy) {YYYY\\(yyy-yyyyyyy)} }

\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor2, text=white]
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](gooooo) at (-3,10){Gooooo\\ foooo};

\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor21, text=white]
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](suuuuuuuuuuuuu) at (2,10){Suuuuuuuu Meeeeee};

\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor4, text=white]
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](pssssssss) at (7,-2){pssssssss};

\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor5, text=white]
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](oppppp) at (0.7,-6.5){oppppp\\ Cyyyy};

\path[mindmap,concept color=blue, text=white]%
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](lsl) at (3.5,-4){Laa\\ Aaaaaaaa\\ Aaaaa}
    child [grow=-30,concept color=mmcolor7,level distance=3.3cm]{%
    node[concept,scale=0.8,font=\small] {Opppp Live}}
    child [grow=-90,concept color=mmcolor7,level distance=4.2cm]{ node[concept,scale=1.0,font=\normalsize] {Pyyyyy YYYYY Yyyyyyyyyy}
        child [grow=0,concept color=red,level distance=4cm]{%
        node[concept,scale=1.4,font=\tiny] {Piiiiiiiiiiii Mmmmmmm}}

\newcommand{\ca}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor2) to (mmcolor2)]}
\newcommand{\cb}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor2) to (mmcolor21)]}
\newcommand{\cc}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor5) to (mmcolor5)]}
\newcommand{\cd}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor5) to (mmcolor6)]}
\newcommand{\ce}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor4) to (mmcolor4)]}
\newcommand{\cf}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor4) to (mmcolor6)]}

      \path (gooooo) \cb (suuuuuuuuuuuuu);
      \path (aaaa) \ca (gooooo);
      \path (bbb) \ca (gooooo);
      \path (nnnn) \ca (gooooo);
      \path (pyyy) \cb (suuuuuuuuuuuuu);
      \path (reeeeee) \ce (pssssssss);
      \path (coooooooo) \ce (pssssssss);
      \path (nbbbb) \ce (pssssssss);
      \path (eee) \cc (oppppp);
      \path (ppp) \cc (oppppp);
      \path (yyyyyyyy) \cd (lsl);
      \path (oppppp) \cd (lsl);
      \path (pssssssss) \cf (lsl);

\caption{Big system to describe.}

and it gives: Clipped graph

I do not know if this is the result you are looking for? -or if this is the problematic output?

  • 1
    Yes, @hpekristiansen, that is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you very much. I thought the background layer was somehow needed for the path. After all it is not. Cheers
    – Pedro
    Commented Jul 10, 2020 at 10:32

You can clip part of your mindmap with for instance \clip (2.1,-3) rectangle (10,6.8); (pgfmanual v3.1.5b p 84, 6.3 Creating the Lecture Map)

enter image description here

and then in a figure with caption in article

enter image description here

I put your tikzpicture in a standalone file.




%% here you clip %%
%\clip (2.3,-3) rectangle (10,6.8);
% I define manually the coordinates if the path I want to clip
\coordinate (a) at (2.3,-1);
\coordinate (b) at (5,-3);
\coordinate (c) at (8.5,-3);
\coordinate (d) at (8.5,7.8);
\coordinate (e) at (2.0,4.0);

\clip   (a) -- (b) -- (c) -- (d) --  (e) --cycle; 

\path[mindmap, concept color=mmcolor1, text=white]
    node [concept] {\textbf{Central\\ Node\\ with a big\\ title.}}%
    child [grow = 90,concept color=mmcolor2]{
      node[concept] {Sablabla Measurements}
      child [grow = 180, level distance=3.6cm]{ node[concept](aaaa)    {AAAA} }
      child [grow = 135]{ node[concept](bbb)     {BBB}  }
      child [grow = 90] { node[concept](nnnn) {NNNN}
        child [grow = -30] {node[concept,font=\normalsize] (pyyy) {pyyy Yyy}} }
    child [grow=180,concept color=mmcolor3]{
    node[concept] {Pablablablabla Measurements}
        child [grow=90]{
        node[concept,scale=1.2,font=\tiny] {Pablablablabla Mmmmmmm} }
    child [concept color=mmcolor4, grow=45]{
      node[concept] {Immmmmmmmmm Tiiiii}
      child [grow=0, level distance=3.4cm] { node[concept](reeeeee){reeeeee}
        child [grow=90,text width=1.5cm]{
        node[concept,font=\footnotesize] {Hhhhhhhh\\ Aaaaaaa} }}
      child [grow=-45]{ node[concept](coooooooo) {coooooooo} }
      child [grow=-90]{ node[concept](nbbbb) {Nbbbbb} }
    child [concept color=mmcolor5, grow=-140] {%
      node[concept] {Piiiiiiiiiii Peeeeeeeeeeee}
      child [grow=-45]  { node[concept](eee) {BBBB (eee)} }
      child [grow=-90,level distance=3.3cm]  { node[concept](ppp) {HHHHH (ppp)} }
      child [grow=0]    { node[concept](yyyyyyyy) {YYYY\\(yyy-yyyyyyy)} }

\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor2, text=white]
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](gooooo) at (-3,10){Gooooo\\ foooo};

\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor21, text=white]
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](suuuuuuuuuuuuu) at (2,10){Suuuuuuuu Meeeeee};

\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor4, text=white]
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](pssssssss) at (7,-2){pssssssss};

\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor5, text=white]
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](oppppp) at (0.7,-6.5){oppppp\\ Cyyyy};

\path[mindmap,concept color=blue, text=white]%
    node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](lsl) at (3.5,-4){Laa\\ Aaaaaaaa\\ Aaaaa}
    child [grow=-30,concept color=mmcolor7,level distance=3.3cm]{%
    node[concept,scale=0.8,font=\small] {Opppp Live}}
    child [grow=-90,concept color=mmcolor7,level distance=4.2cm]{ node[concept,scale=1.0,font=\normalsize] {Pyyyyy YYYYY Yyyyyyyyyy}
        child [grow=0,concept color=red,level distance=4cm]{%
        node[concept,scale=1.4,font=\tiny] {Piiiiiiiiiiii Mmmmmmm}}

\newcommand{\ca}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor2) to (mmcolor2)]}
\newcommand{\cb}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor2) to (mmcolor21)]}
\newcommand{\cc}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor5) to (mmcolor5)]}
\newcommand{\cd}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor5) to (mmcolor6)]}
\newcommand{\ce}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor4) to (mmcolor4)]}
\newcommand{\cf}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor4) to (mmcolor6)]}

      \path (gooooo) \cb (suuuuuuuuuuuuu);
      \path (aaaa) \ca (gooooo);
      \path (bbb) \ca (gooooo);
      \path (nnnn) \ca (gooooo);
      \path (pyyy) \cb (suuuuuuuuuuuuu);
      \path (reeeeee) \ce (pssssssss);
      \path (coooooooo) \ce (pssssssss);
      \path (nbbbb) \ce (pssssssss);
      \path (eee) \cc (oppppp);
      \path (ppp) \cc (oppppp);
      \path (yyyyyyyy) \cd (lsl);
      \path (oppppp) \cd (lsl);
      \path (pssssssss) \cf (lsl);



and you can input in article by calling

\usepackage{standalone}  %Load standalone

\begin{figure}[ht]  %\ was missing
\caption{Big system to describe.}
  • Thank you @jet, I should have looked better in the pgfmanual. Nevertheless, I would like to clip with a different shape than a rectangle in order to not show the nodes with other colors (the top left corner and bottom left corner in your example).
    – Pedro
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 21:14
  • @Pedro you're looking for that type of shape ? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/70999/…. I wonder to what extent you'd be interested in tex.stackexchange.com/questions/542668/… (in the idea)
    – JeT
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 21:37
  • 1
    @Pedro I tried a workaround (see my edit) to define the coordinates of the clip. you'll still get the edges to other link (you just zoom on your mindmap). But you can defined the shape that fits best.
    – JeT
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 10:16
  • 1
    Thanks @jet, I will update my question with what I achieved so far. The \draw command works well but the problem arises when I substitute it with \clip.
    – Pedro
    Commented Jun 24, 2020 at 18:14
  • 1
    Hello @Jet , yes I did. See the answer above. Just remove the pgfonlayer commands and the clip works!
    – Pedro
    Commented Jul 15, 2020 at 15:47

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