I created this mindmap to illustrate a big system that I built.
As I am describing it, I need to have a small portion of the mindmap along with the text, so that the reader understands better which part I am writing about.
Is it possible to show only a part of the mindmap? Maybe a "zoom in" effect or "isolate" a branch or "focus"? Ideas are welcome. One idea is to have a portion like this:
UPDATED question to show what I got so far and put the code in a single file.
Here is the MWE:
\coordinate (a) at (8.2,7.5);
\coordinate (b) at (6,7.5);
\coordinate (c) at (2.1,5);
\coordinate (d) at (2.1,-1.5);
\coordinate (e) at (6,-3.6);
\coordinate (f) at (8.2,-3.6);
\draw (a)--(b)--(c)--(d)--(e)--(f)--cycle;
%\clip (a)--(b)--(c)--(d)--(e)--(f)--cycle; %The problem is here
\path[mindmap, concept color=mmcolor1, text=white]
node [concept] {\textbf{Central\\ Node\\ with a big\\ title.}}%
child [grow = 90,concept color=mmcolor2]{
node[concept] {Sablabla Measurements}
child [grow = 180, level distance=3.6cm]{ node[concept](aaaa) {AAAA} }
child [grow = 135]{ node[concept](bbb) {BBB} }
child [grow = 90] { node[concept](nnnn) {NNNN}
child [grow = -30] {node[concept,font=\normalsize] (pyyy) {pyyy Yyy}} }
child [grow=180,concept color=mmcolor3]{
node[concept] {Pablablablabla Measurements}
child [grow=90]{
node[concept,scale=1.2,font=\tiny] {Pablablablabla Mmmmmmm} }
child [concept color=mmcolor4, grow=45]{
node[concept] {Immmmmmmmmm Tiiiii}
child [grow=0, level distance=3.4cm] { node[concept](reeeeee){reeeeee}
child [grow=90,text width=1.5cm]{
node[concept,font=\footnotesize] {Hhhhhhhh\\ Aaaaaaa} }}
child [grow=-45]{ node[concept](coooooooo) {coooooooo} }
child [grow=-90]{ node[concept](nbbbb) {Nbbbbb} }
child [concept color=mmcolor5, grow=-140] {%
node[concept] {Piiiiiiiiiii Peeeeeeeeeeee}
child [grow=-45] { node[concept](eee) {BBBB (eee)} }
child [grow=-90,level distance=3.3cm] { node[concept](ppp) {HHHHH (ppp)} }
child [grow=0] { node[concept](yyyyyyyy) {YYYY\\(yyy-yyyyyyy)} }
\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor2, text=white]
node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](gooooo) at (-3,10){Gooooo\\ foooo};
\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor21, text=white]
node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](suuuuuuuuuuuuu) at (2,10){Suuuuuuuu Meeeeee};
\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor4, text=white]
node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](pssssssss) at (7,-2){pssssssss};
\path[mindmap,concept color=mmcolor5, text=white]
node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](oppppp) at (0.7,-6.5){oppppp\\ Cyyyy};
\path[mindmap,concept color=blue, text=white]%
node[concept,scale=0.5,font=\huge](lsl) at (3.5,-4){Laa\\ Aaaaaaaa\\ Aaaaa}
child [grow=-30,concept color=mmcolor7,level distance=3.3cm]{%
node[concept,scale=0.8,font=\small] {Opppp Live}}
child [grow=-90,concept color=mmcolor7,level distance=4.2cm]{ node[concept,scale=1.0,font=\normalsize] {Pyyyyy YYYYY Yyyyyyyyyy}
child [grow=0,concept color=red,level distance=4cm]{%
node[concept,scale=1.4,font=\tiny] {Piiiiiiiiiiii Mmmmmmm}}
\newcommand{\ca}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor2) to (mmcolor2)]}
\newcommand{\cb}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor2) to (mmcolor21)]}
\newcommand{\cc}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor5) to (mmcolor5)]}
\newcommand{\cd}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor5) to (mmcolor6)]}
\newcommand{\ce}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor4) to (mmcolor4)]}
\newcommand{\cf}{to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mmcolor4) to (mmcolor6)]}
\path (gooooo) \cb (suuuuuuuuuuuuu);
\path (aaaa) \ca (gooooo);
\path (bbb) \ca (gooooo);
\path (nnnn) \ca (gooooo);
\path (pyyy) \cb (suuuuuuuuuuuuu);
\path (reeeeee) \ce (pssssssss);
\path (coooooooo) \ce (pssssssss);
\path (nbbbb) \ce (pssssssss);
\path (eee) \cc (oppppp);
\path (ppp) \cc (oppppp);
\path (yyyyyyyy) \cd (lsl);
\path (oppppp) \cd (lsl);
\path (pssssssss) \cf (lsl);
\caption{Big system to describe.}
With the suggestions by @jet, executing the code above I get a nice path around the blue part the with \draw
command. I thought that now that I visually validate the area to be cliped I just substitute \draw
with \clip
. But what happens is I get the some joints from other nodes:
Here is the picture with the \draw
command and next, with the \clip
I believe the problem might be in last part of the tikzpicture, the pgfonlayer
. I just used it to link the dark blue node (that is not a child of the main node) to the other nodes. I do not know other way to do it.
And I don't want to clip/trim a pdf because I want to keep the nodes referenceable.
a part of your mindmap.views
library, but I've never used it.views
library only works with rectangle shapes\input{mindmap-texforum1.tikz}
. I am using background layer to create connections between nodes that are not childs of the main node (the dark blue node that says Laaaa. I did not know how to do it other way.