I'm watching a video series about category theory, and it shows the following kind of notation on several occasions:

enter image description here

I like taking notes in LaTeX, so I am wondering if there is an easy way to typeset something like this example, in such a way that one might use it inline, like $Set^{Some diagram spec}$. I know TikZ well enough to be able to create diagrams, and I suppose I could produce something like that picture, given enough time, but I'm specifically after a way to create "small diagram notation".


Amazing! There really isn't much that is impossible! Now, I've got a real problem - I can't decide which answer to accept, since they arell all very good. I think I'll wait a few days and see which one gets most votes. Thank you, everyone!

3 Answers 3


For such simple cases, you could also build a symbol from simple commands to reproduce the diagram. There are packages with many arrow symbols, like MnSymbol.

Here's a construction of the symbol in your example. The code to import a single symbol from MnSymbol is based on Ulrike Fischer's answer here.

    <-6>  MnSymbolA5
   <6-7>  MnSymbolA6
   <7-8>  MnSymbolA7
   <8-9>  MnSymbolA8
   <9-10> MnSymbolA9
  <10-12> MnSymbolA10
  <12->   MnSymbolA12}{}
\DeclareSymbolFont{MnSyA}         {U}  {MnSymbolA}{m}{n}
    \mathclap{\raisebox{ .4\height}{\(\cdot\)}}%
\( \mathrm{Set}^{\arrowsdots} \)


pst-fun is only for fun purposes.


enter image description here


Something like this?

%Resize to relative size (em)
%Put the TikZ picture inside a box, just in case
\newcommand{\love}{\resizebox{0.5em}{!}{\hbox{\tikz\draw[fill=red] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);}}}




enter image description here

To actually answer the question, sort of an attempt. If you know TikZ enough, you can play with arrows and dot size.

\node[circle, fill=black,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.075em] (A) at (0,0){};
\node[circle, fill=black,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.075em] (B) at (0,.3){};
\draw[->] (B.west) to [bend right=45] (A.west);
\draw[->] (B.east) to [bend left=45] (A.east);




enter image description here

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