I'd like to create a PID controller block diagram similar to the one here. At the moment my diagram looks as depicted below. What I still need is to right-and-left align the text inside the rectangular nodes, i.e. I'd like the letters P, I, D to be left and the equations right aligned. How do I accomplish that? Also, could you please tell me how to make the circle a little smaller?
\tikzstyle{int}=[draw, fill=blue!20, minimum size=2em, text width=2.5cm]
\tikzstyle{sum}=[draw, fill=blue!20, shape=circle, node distance=2.5cm]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm,auto,>=latex']
\node [int] (kp) {P $k_p e(t)$};
\node [int] (ki) [below of=kp] {I $k_i \int{e(t)dt}$};
\node [int] (kd) [below of=ki] {D $k_d \frac{e(t)}{dt}$};
\node [sum] (sum) [right of=ki] {$\sum$};
\node [coordinate] (joint1) [left of=ki, node distance=2cm]{};
\node [coordinate] (begin) [left of=joint1, node distance=2cm]{};
\node [coordinate] (end) [right of=sum, node distance=2cm]{};
\draw[-] (begin) -- node {$e(t)$} (joint1);
\draw[->] (joint1) |- (kp.west);
\draw[->] (joint1) -- (ki);
\draw[->] (joint1) |- (kd);
\draw[->] (kp.east) -| node [pos=0.95] {$+$} (sum.north);
\draw[->] (ki.east) -- node [pos=0.8] {$+$} (sum.west);
\draw[->] (kd.east) -| node [pos=0.95] {$+$} (sum.south);
\draw[->] (sum.east) -- (end);
styles are missing here).