I'm trying to cite "Foreign Direct Investment, Backward Linkages, and Productivity Spillovers", a World Bank report using the Cite Them Right 10th edition - Harvard style. When I use the \cite function in overleaf I get (Jordaan et al., 2020), instead of (World Bank, 2020) and I need help fixing this.
I'm using Zotero to manage my references so I don't want to change it manually if I can help it. Thanks
This is the code I am using to format my references in Latex.
% bibliography-related packages
The code in my bib file is
title = {Foreign {Direct} {Investment}, {Backward} {Linkages}, and {Productivity} {Spillovers}},
url = {https://ideas.repec.org/p/wbk/wboper/33761.html},
abstract = {No abstract is available for this item.},
language = {en},
number = {33761},
urldate = {2020-06-15},
institution = {The World Bank},
author = {Jordaan, Jacob and Douw, Wim and Qiang, Christine Zhenwei},
month = may,
year = {2020},
note = {Publication Title: World Bank Other Operational Studies},
keywords = {FDI}
author = {{World Bank}},
in the author field instead of the actual author names.