The following source, using hyperref, shows two different ways of embedding metadata into the output from using pdflatex:

  1. Using the pdfx package with option a-2u — this happens when the flag validate is set to true, as it is below.
  2. Using instead the hyperxmp package with \hyperrefset including options pdfapart=2, pdfaconformance=u — this happens if the flag validate is set to 'false`.

Both methods seem to embed essentially the same metadata about title, author, etc., into the pdf.


  • Aside from passing PDF/A-2U validation (which method 1 allows but method 2 does not), in fact is there any actual difference in the embedded metadata?
  • Is there some reason to prefer one method to the other (aside the issue PDF/A-2U validation)?



\begin{filecontents}{\jobname metadata.xmp}
  % Create XMP code and write it to macro \hyxmp@xml
  % (cf. hyperxmp.sty, \hyxmp@construct@packet (ll. 847-868))
<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="3.1-702">^^J%

\Title{A Book}
\Keywords{things\sep stuff}
\Copyright{\copyright 2020 The Company CC-BY-NC-ND}
\CoverDisplayDate{June\ 26,\ 2020}



    \pdfglyphtounicode{EM}{0058 0058 0058 0058 0058 0058 0058 0058}%
    \pdfglyphtounicode{NUL}{0060 0060 0060 0060 0060 0060 0060 0060}%
       pdftitle={A Book}, pdfauthor={Anonymous}, pdfcreator={somebody},
       pdfsubject={A general introducton to things}, pdfkeywords={things, stuff},
   }  %  
  {\RequirePackage{hyperxmp} % to add CC info into pdf
      pdfapart=2, pdfaconformance=u,
      pdftitle={A Book}, pdfauthor={Anonymous}, pdfcreator={somebody},
      pdfsubject={A general introducton to things}, pdfkeywords={things, stuff},
    \immediate\pdfobj stream attr{/N 3} file{sRGB.icc}
        /OutputIntents [
             /Type /OutputIntent
             /S /GTS_PDFA2
             /DestOutputProfile \the\pdflastobj\space 0 R
             /OutputConditionIdentifier (sRGB)
             /Info (sRGB)

\newcommand\mytitle{A Book}
\newcommand\myabstract{An introduction to things in general.}





Validate pdf with and without pdfx

pdfx + hyperref prevents setting PDF metadata [incompatible packages]

Is it possible to use both hyperxmp and xmpincl in LaTeX?

  • This is a bad question at the moment because the example is not minimal at all. Is russian language or the package doclicense part of the problem? Also you claim hyperxmp would not validate but you do not state which validator threw which error. Clearly /S /GTS_PDFA2 is wrong it should be /S /GTS_PDFA1. I am not able to compile a minimal document with newtx and \blindmathpaper. Dozens of compiler errors about missing or wrong metrics.
    – tanGIS
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 9:10
  • 5
    Does this answer your question? Validate pdf with and without pdfx
    – tanGIS
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 9:14


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