How would I draw this image:

enter image description here

using circuitikz?

What I have so far is

\begin{circuitikz} \draw
(0,2) node[and port] (myand) {}
(2,1) node[or port] (myor) {}
(myand.in 1) node[anchor=east] {A}
(myand.in 2) node[anchor=east] {B}
(myand.out) -| (myor.in 1)

However I'm having trouble attaching the C while maintaining the alignment of A, B, and C.

  • As a side note, I would suggest using circuits.logic.US library of TikZ instead. Its gates are much more beautiful. Commented May 10, 2012 at 7:09

4 Answers 4


Hope the code itself is explanatory:

\begin{circuitikz} \draw
(0,2) node[and port] (myand) {}
(2,1) node[or port] (myor) {}
(myand.in 1) node[above left=.5cm](a) {A}
(myand.in 2) node[below left = .5cm](b) {B}
(myand.out) -| (myor.in 1)
(a) -| (myand.in 1)
(b) -| (myand.in 2)
(b) node[below=1cm](c){C}
(c) -| (myor.in 2)
(c) node[draw, rectangle,inner sep=1pt,below=.5cm, right=.9cm](c){A$\cdot$B$+$C};  

enter image description here

  • That inner sep on the box at the bottom seems a little small. Otherwise, very nice! +1
    – qubyte
    Commented May 10, 2012 at 7:37
  • @MarkS.Everitt: Thanks, That is only personal preference.
    – user11232
    Commented May 10, 2012 at 7:41
  • Of course. I couldn't find anything actually wrong with it, and couldn't just say "very nice! +1" (not enough characters). ;)
    – qubyte
    Commented May 10, 2012 at 7:43
  • @MarkS.Everitt: Thanks a lot for your kind words.
    – user11232
    Commented May 10, 2012 at 7:45

Here's how you can do this using \matrix.




\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit logic US,
                    line width=0.8pt,line cap=round,line join=round]

    \matrix[column sep=7mm]
        \node (A) {$A$}; &                                  & & \\
                         & \node [and gate] (and1) {};      & & \\
        \node (B) {$B$}; &                                  & \node [or gate,yshift=-1mm] (or1) {}; & \node[yshift=-1mm] (out) {};\\
        \node (C) {$C$}; &                                  & & \\

        % AND gate inputs
        (A) -- ++(right:5mm) |- (and1.input 1)
        (B) -- ++(right:5mm) |- (and1.input 2)
        % OR gate inputs
        (or1.input 1) -- ++(left:3mm) |- (and1.output)
        (or1.input 2) -- ++(left:3mm) |- (C)
        % Output
        (or1.output) -- (out);



enter image description here

PS. If you want, you can use circuitikz's logic gates too; just replace and gate with and port and similarly for the OR gate. (But somehow circuitikz's gates are not as well-designed as those of TikZ itself, although it's other electrical elements are.)


This is another solution using the positioning library from tikz.

The main idea is to name the reference node, in this case the B node, and then just position C below that.




\begin{circuitikz} \draw
(0,2) node[and port] (myand) {}
(2,1) node[or port] (myor) {}
(myand.in 1) node[anchor=east] {A}
(myand.in 2) node[anchor=east] (bnode) {B}
(myand.out) -| (myor.in 1)
node[below=of bnode] (cnode) {C}
(cnode) -| (myor.in 2)




Another solution with TiKZ circuits library, but without matrix.


\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit logic US,
                    tiny circuit symbols,
                    every circuit symbol/.style={fill=white,draw, logic gate input sep=4mm}

\node [and gate, inputs = nn] at (0,0) (and1) {};
\node [or gate, inputs = nn, anchor=input 1] at ($(and1.south)+(1.5cm,0)$) (or1) {};
\draw (and1.input 1) -- ++(left:5mm) node[left] (A) {$A$};
\draw (and1.input 2) -- ++(left:5mm) node[left] {$B$};
\node (C) at (A|-or1.input 2) {$C$};
\draw (or1.input 2) -- (C);
\draw (and1.output) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (or1.input 1);
\draw (or1.output) -- ++(right:5mm);

enter image description here

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