When TeX produces Overfull box, is puts something like this in the log:
Overfull \hbox (15.47195pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 7--9
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 I re-ally re-ally want to get dis-played the op-tions for
hy-phen-ation xxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
I would like a macro \showhyphens
that would for an entry like \showhyphens{hyphenation}
display its hyphenation options, i.e. hy-phen-ation
. This should be displayed either in the document (preferred) or in the log.
(Background: I need this for sumbitting a paper that contains many multi-part words and similar stuff like $(2,3)$-representation
etc. I know that there are ways to modify -
with \discretionary
to make the word breakable, but it makes the code extremly unreadable and I'm not allowed to make this a macro definition.)