I would like to have a tcbitemize-environment over the full linewidth, which has a frame around with no gaps?
If I put the tcbitemize into another tcolorbox I get gaps.
What is the correct way to add this outer frame without gaps?
Hint: The inner itemize-boxes should not have frames, but here shown for better seeing.
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
\tcbset{enhanced, fontupper=\bfseries, notitle, halign=center, valign=center}
\tcbset{sharp corners,}
colframe=red, % for better seeing
boxsep=0pt, % no effekt
before skip=0cm, % no effekt
% boxrule=0pt,frame hidden, % not used for better seeing
raster columns=3,
raster equal height,
raster column skip=2pt,
raster row skip=2pt,
\tcbitem A
\tcbitem B
\tcbitem C
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=2] X
\tcbitem Y