Another idea considering the mdframed
package rev. 212 with the use of TikZ
If you want to increase the rounded corner you increase the value 8pt
. And for the thickness of the border you increase the value of middlelinewidth=2pt
The content of this chapter has been published in the SRRW conference in 2017. The work of this chapter is also extended to handle the ER problem.
Another alternative without the use of mdframed
can be with pure TikZ
using the library shadows
to make the drop shadows
at the below-right:
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\node[anchor=text, text width=\textwidth, draw=gray, rounded corners, line width=1.5pt, drop shadow={shadow xshift=.7ex, shadow yshift=-.7ex},fill=#1, inner sep=3mm] (big) {\\#2};
\mybox{white}{The content of this chapter has been published in the SRRW conference in 2017. The work of this chapter is also extended to handle the ER problem.}