Hello wonderful people,
TikZ doesn't seem to display the function it should be, I might be missing a dumb point, but here's the problem:
First, let's take a look at this marvellous function:
polynomial, arousing curves, cuts the x-axis
in (almost) integer points, this function just seems too good to be true.
Now, look at this smooth code :
\draw [gray,dotted] (-6,-5) grid (5,5) ;
\draw[->,>=latex] (-6,0) -- (5,0) node[below]{$x$} ;
\draw[->,>=latex] (0,-5) -- (0,5) node[left]{$y$} ;
\draw [domain=-5:4,samples=200] plot (\x,-0.0012*\x^5-0.0131*\x^4+0.0893*\x^3+0.3988*\x^2-0.5881*\x-0.8857) ;
simple, efficient, should do the work and show us this gorgeous function we've been talking about for minutes now.
But, alas! Look at the disastrous result it produces:
Does anyone know why TikZ would want to crush my dreams of happiness like this? A "funny" thing is that it seems to be ok with the positive values of x
Thanks a lot!