I've recently encountered PDF from a latex document where the header are rotated. As it's hard to explain I thought an image should be used:


Does anyone have any idea how to create such table?


2 Answers 2


This should be a good start:




\def\yes{$\color{green!50!black} \checkmark$}
\def\no{\color{red} X}

\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{\bf Image}} & 
\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{\bf Differ}} & 
Cavalero et al. 2005 & F/D & \yes & \yes & - \\ 
& & Cheng et al & \yes & \no & - & \no \\
& & Li et al & \no & \no & - & \yes \\
\multirow{5}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{\bf Statistical}} & 
\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{\bf Differ}} & 
Cavalero et al. 2005 & F/D & \yes & \yes & - \\ 
& & Cheng et al & \yes & \no & - & \no \\
& & Li et al & \no & \no & - & \yes \\
& PF & Cheng et al & \yes & \no & - & \no \\
& EM & Li et al & \no & \no & - & \yes \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{}  & & & & & \\
\multicolumn{3}{|l}{Features(F) / Dense (D)} & & & & \\
\multicolumn{4}{|l}{Occlusion} & & & \\
\multicolumn{5}{|l}{Multiple Objects} & & \\
\multicolumn{6}{|l}{Spatial continuity} & \\


This is the result:

latex output


Maybe I am a little bit late, but this tabular was interesting, and surprisingly easy to typeset using cals. Since cals does not have double rules, I have faked those using narrow columns and rows (2pt). I have not removed padding above and below the narrow rows. Therefore, there are some Overfull hbox warnings.

enter image description here

\usepackage{lmodern, cals}
\usepackage[top=1cm, bottom=1cm, left=1.2cm, right=1.2cm]{geometry}



% Set up the carlstable
%% All rules of same weight
\def\cals@framers@width{0.4pt}   % Outside frame rules, reduce if the rule is too heavy
\def\cals@AtBeginCell{\vfil}            % All cell contents vertically centred

% Shorthands for spanning cells

\def\rb{\ifx\cals@borderR\relax     % Right Border (rules) switch (off-on)
\else \let\cals@borderR\relax\fi}

\def\lb{\ifx\cals@borderL\relax     % Left Border switch (off-on)
\else \let\cals@borderL\relax\fi}

\def\bb{\ifx\cals@borderB\relax     % Bottom Border switch (off-on)
\else \let\cals@borderB\relax\fi}

\def\lp{\ifdim\cals@paddingL=0.0pt\relax    % Left padding switch (off-on) 
\else \setlength{\cals@paddingL}{0pt}\fi}

\def\rp{\ifdim\cals@paddingR=0.0pt\relax    % Right padding switch (off-on)
\else \setlength{\cals@paddingR}{0.0pt}\fi}



% Defining 16 columns, 2 are for double vertical rules (col2)

%\setlength{\cals@paddingL}{2pt}    % Changes to padding has to go inside the tables preamble
%\setlength{\cals@paddingR}{2pt}   % Decrease tabcolsep from 4.96pt to 2pt
\setlength{\cals@paddingB}{2.5pt}   % Uncomment if you want less space between cells

    \alignL\cell{\emph{Cavalaro et al. 2005} [11]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Cheng et al. 2006} [17]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{ Li et al. 2007} [18]}
    \rb\nc{lrb}\alignC\sc{\bfrot{\bfseries Image}}\rb
    \nc{lrb}\alignC\sc{\bfrot{\bfseries Differ.}}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Colombari et al. 2009} [19]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Rasmussen et al. 2001} [20]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Cremers et al. 2005} [21]}
    \nc{lrb}\alignC\sc{\bfrot{\bfseries MAP}}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Shen et al. 2007} [22]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Rathi et al. 2007} [24]}
    \rb\nc{lrb}\alignC\sc{\bfrot{\bfseries Statistical}}\rb
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Stolkin et al. 2008} [13]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Wiskott 1997} [27]}
    \nc{rb}\alignC\sc{\bfseries Wavelets}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Kong et al. 1998} [28]}
    \nc{rtb}\alignC\sc{\bfseries O.F.}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Zhang et al. 2007} [30]}
    \nc{rtb}\alignC\sc{\bfseries Layers}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Kumar et al. 2008} [14]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Coteira et al. 1998} [4]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Ichimura et al. 2000} [42]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Kanatani et al. 2002} [43]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Brand 2002} [53]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Zelnik-Manor et al. 2003} [45]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Zhou et al. 2003} [54]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Sugaya et al. 2004} [46]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Zelnik.Manor a et al. 2004} [47]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Gruber et al. 2004} [55]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Vidal et al. 2004} [49]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Yan et al. 2006/08} [1,2]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Gruber et al. 2006} [57]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Del Bue et al. 2007} [61]}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Goh et al. 2007} [58]}
    \nc{rb}\alignC\sc{\bfrot{\bfseries Factorization}}
    \alignL\cell{\emph{Julià et al. 2007} [60]}
    \nc{rtb}\alignL\sc{Feature (F) / Dense (D)}\rb
    \nc{rtb}\alignL\sc{Multiple Objects (S static camera)}
    \nc{rtb}\alignL\sc{Spatial Continuity}
    \nc{rtb}\alignL\sc{Temporary Stopping}
    \nc{rtb}\alignL\sc{Missing data}
    \nc{rtb}\alignL\sc{Non-rigid objects}
    \nc{rtb}\alignL\sc{Camara Model (O Orthographic, p para-persp., P Persp.)}
    \nc{rtb}\alignL\sc{Prior knowledge (\textcolor{red}{X}/Training (\textcolor{red}{T})}

\caption{Summary of the examined techniques with respect to the most important attributes. Note the methods are classified into 6 categories: Image Difference, Statistical, Optical Flow, Wavelets, Layers and Factorization methods. When an attribute is not relevant for a technique the symbols “--” is used.}

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