I want to put a picture in one column, some text in the other, and beneath all that some more text in a beamer style presentation. My frame looks like this:
\frametitle{Svemir dominiran tvari}
\item Barionska asimetrija se izražava omjerom broja bariona i fotona
\eta=\frac{n_b-n_{\bar{b}}}{n_\gamma}=6.1\pm 0.3\times 10^{-10}.
\item $n_b\Rightarrow$ \quad gustoća broja (stanja) bariona\\
\item $n_{\bar{b}}\Rightarrow$ \quad gustoća broja antibariona\\
\item $n_\gamma\Rightarrow$ \quad gustoća broja fotona
$\frac{\zeta(3)}{\pi^2}g_\star T^3$
When I compile it I get this error:
Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item. \end{frame}
I looked at the code (which I c/p from another presentation that worked) and it looks the same. So why won't it compile? I have 11pt font in presentation, so that more text could fit.
Is the amount of text the issue? : EDIT: I have removed the itemize stuff, but now nothing shows on the slide :\
I don't see a thing on a slide now :\