Update 2 :Some explanations on incremental overlays specifications
The specifics of overlays can be absolute or relative.
When they are absolute:
we put the slide number as <3>
which means that this command will be visible on slide #3
When they are relative:
the value of the counter beamerpauses
is represented by the +
symbol (Please note the +
sign is not an addition).
So if the slide is number 3
and an order:
- specifies
, then this is expanded to <3->
- specifies
, then this is expanded to <4->
- specifies
, then this is expanded to <2-3>
The other symbol to understand is the dot symbol .
When presented in an overlay specification, it represents the previous value of the counter.
So if the slide is number 3 and an order:
- specifies
, then this is expanded to <2->
- specifies
, then this is expanded to <3->
- specifies
, then this is expanded to <1-2>
Update 1: With Incremental Specifications
\item<1-> Bullet 1
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3cm]
\node<+(1)-> (root) [process] {root};
\node<.(1)-> (child1) [process, below of=root, xshift=-4cm] {child1};
\draw<.(1)-> [arrow] (root.south) -- (child1.north);
\node<+(1)-> (child2) [process, below of=root, xshift=4cm] {child2};
\draw<.(1)-> [arrow] (root.south) -- (child2.north);
\item<+(1)-> Bullet 2
Old answer: With overlay specifications
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
\tikzstyle{process} = [rectangle, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, text width=3cm, draw=black, fill=orange!30]
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
\item Bullet 1
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3cm]
\node<2-> (root) [process] {root};
\node<2-> (child1) [process, below of=root, xshift=-4cm] {child1};
\draw<2-> [arrow] (root.south) -- (child1.north);
\node<+(1)-> (child2) [process, below of=root, xshift=4cm] {child2};
\draw<.(1)-> [arrow] (root.south) -- (child2.north);
\item<4-> Bullet 2