I have been asked to modify one of the reference in my paper to the following fashion:

LastName1, Initial of First Name1, LastName2, Initial of First Name2, ..., year. Title, Journal.

I am using \documentclass[manuscript]{acmart} style and for bibliography style as \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}, which renders the default style of the references as FirstName, LastName. How to modify one of the reference to LastName1, Initial of First Name1 format.

Please note that I want this for only one reference and answer here: Displaying author's name in a bibliographic entry in the form: Surname, First Initial of Firstname modifies all the entries.

If I directly paste the author names in the LastName,Initial of FirstName fashion in author field of bibtex file, it renders as Initial of FirstName,LastName fashion.

EDIT (an attempt at producing MWE for this):

  \date{August 2020}

My bib file:

      author={LastName1 and Initial-of-FirstName1. and LastName2 and Initial-of-FirstName2. and LastName3 and Initial-of-FirstName3.},
      author={FirstName1 LastName1 and FirstName2 LastName2 and FirstName3 LastName3},

This is what I get:


What I really want:

LastName1, Initial-of-First-Name1., LastName2, Initial-of-First-Name2. and LastName3, Initial-of-First-Name3. title. arXiv:cs.SI/xxxx.xxxx

  • Since you are using \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format} you use BibTeX and not biblatex, so I'll retag the question accordingly. pdfTeX is also unlikely to be relevant here, so I'll remove it as well. Note that you have a much better chance of getting a good answer quickly if you also include a short example document in your question that shows what you are doing (an MWE: tex.meta.stackexchange.com/q/228/35864).
    – moewe
    Commented Aug 9, 2020 at 13:09
  • Just so I understand correctly: You want to change the name format for only a specific reference entry? Would it not be easier to just input the name with initials in that case?
    – moewe
    Commented Aug 9, 2020 at 13:10
  • Hi @moewe yes, indeed, I want to change the name format for only a specific reference entry only. I did exactly that by replacing the initials in \author field in that particular bibliographic entry, but, now facing a problem with the last comma. I will attempt by adding a MWE, thanks.
    – learner
    Commented Aug 9, 2020 at 13:17
  • Hi, @moewe added a MWE. Hope it helps in understanding the problem.
    – learner
    Commented Aug 9, 2020 at 13:50
  • 1
    If this is just a one-off, I'd probably use a kludge like author={{LastName1, I.} and {LastName2, I.} and {LastName3, I.}}, It is not impossible for a BibTeX style to support different name formats, but it would be very unusual (at least if I understand what you want correctly) and you'd need a 'flag' to tell BibTeX to format certain names differently. (For future questions note that MWEs with real data can sometimes be easier to understand than those with stuff like 'LastName1, Initial-of-First-Name1.')
    – moewe
    Commented Aug 9, 2020 at 16:05


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