In a chapter of my thesis, I have 3 figures where the third one consists of many subfigures that must be split over 3 pages. For that, I used \ContinuedFloat
and works fine. The problem, however, is the figure number is 4.1 which is not what I expect; I expect 4.3 as there are two figures before this one where they have the correct numbers. The third figure is:
\documentclass[demo]{report} % remove 'demo' option in real document
\setcounter{chapter}{4} % just for this example
\subfloat[FS -- Entropy]{%
\subfloat[FS -- Phenotype]{%
\subfloat[FS -- Genotype]{%
\subfloat[CL -- Entropy]{%
\subfloat[CL -- Phenotype]{%
\subfloat[CL -- Genotype]{%
\subfloat[DIP -- Entropy]{%
\subfloat[DIP -- Phenotype]{%
\subfloat[DIP -- Genotype]{%
\subfloat[AR -- Entropy]{%
\subfloat[AR -- Phenotype]{%
\subfloat[AR -- Genotype]{%
\subfloat[DE -- Entropy]{%
\subfloat[DE -- Phenotype]{%
\subfloat[DE -- Genotype]{%
\caption{Different techniques with different measures}
As I mentioned, the figure number of this is Figure 4.1 where in fact it should be Figure 4.3.
Do you have any idea what the problem is?
even come from?