I am having 3 arrays with different dimensions. I want to place the first array on the left, second on the top-right and third on the bottom right. So, far I am able to place only two arrays, below is the code for that:

\documentclass[12 pt, a4paper]{book}
          total={170 mm,257 mm},
          left=20 mm,
          top=20 mm,




\textbf{Solution :}
    \hspace{1 cm}
          &   &   &   & 1 & 2 & 5 & 5 \\
        5 & 2 & ) & 6 & 5 & 2 & 9 & 6 \\
          &   & - & 5 & 2 &   &   &   \\
          &   &   & 1 & 3 & 2 &   &   \\
          &   & - & 1 & 0 & 4 &   &   \\
          &   &   & 0 & 2 & 8 & 9 &   \\
          &   &   & - & 2 & 6 & 0 &   \\
          &   &   &   & 0 & 2 & 9 & 6 \\
          &   &   &   & - & 2 & 6 & 0 \\
          &   &   &   &   & 0 & 3 & 6 \\
    \right. \hspace{0.25 cm}\vline \hspace{0.1 cm}
    \begin{array}[b]{ccccc@{\hskip 0.5in}ccccc@{\hskip 0.5in}ccccc}
        52 & \times & 1 & = &  52 & 52 & \times & 5 & = & 260 \\
        52 & \times & 2 & = & 104 & 52 & \times & 6 & = & 312 & 52 & \times &  9 & = & 468 \\
        52 & \times & 3 & = & 156 & 52 & \times & 7 & = & 364 & 52 & \times & 10 & = & 520 \\
        52 & \times & 4 & = & 208 & 52 & \times & 8 & = & 416 \\\\
        \hdashline \\


The output of my code is: enter image description here

The code of the third array is as follows:

        & & \textbf{Difference} & \textbf{Value} & & \textbf{Base} & & \textbf{Borrow} & \textbf{Prev. Bit} \\
        11 - 15 & = & -4 < 0 & 11 & + & 16 & = & 27 & \mathrm{A} \rightarrow \underline{9} \\
        \underline{9} - 14 & = & -5 < 0 & 9 & + & 16 & = & 25 & \mathrm{F} \rightarrow \underline{\mathrm{E}}  

Desired output: enter image description here

Also, I want a standard solution for this not a temporary one. So, it would work, if the dimensions of the array changes. Can anyone help me with this?

2 Answers 2


I suggest you embed the three array environments inside two nested tabular environments. The "outer", two-column tabular will consist of an array environment in the left-hand column, a vertical rule, and an "inner" one-column tabular in the right-hand column. The "inner" tabular, in turn, will contain two array environments. This setup may sound a bit complicated at first, but I believe it satisfies your requirement for "a standard solution for this not a temporary one".

Oh, since you employ Palatino as the main text font, I'd also like to recommend that you employ a Palatino math font. This may be achieved by running \usepackage{newpxtext, newpxmath} in the preamble.

enter image description here

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{book}
%% (I've pared the preamble down to the bare minimum needed
%%  to get your code to compile.)
\geometry{total={170mm,257mm}, left=20mm, top=20mm}

\textbf{Solution :}
\begin{tabular}{@{} c | c @{}} % "outer" tabular

$\begin{array}{@{} rrllllll @{}}
          &   &   &   & 1 & 2 & 5 & 5 \\
        5 & 2 & ) & 6 & 5 & 2 & 9 & 6 \\
          &   & - & 5 & 2 &   &   &   \\
          &   &   & 1 & 3 & 2 &   &   \\
          &   & - & 1 & 0 & 4 &   &   \\
          &   &   & 0 & 2 & 8 & 9 &   \\
          &   &   & - & 2 & 6 & 0 &   \\
          &   &   &   & 0 & 2 & 9 & 6 \\
          &   &   &   & - & 2 & 6 & 0 \\
          &   &   &   &   & 0 & 3 & 6 \\
\end{array}$  & 
\begin{tabular}{@{} c @{}} % "inner" tabular
$\begin{array}{@{} *{2}{ccccc@{\hskip 0.5in}} ccccc @{}}
        52 & \times & 1 & = &  52 & 52 & \times & 5 & = & 260 \\
        52 & \times & 2 & = & 104 & 52 & \times & 6 & = & 312 & 52 & \times &  9 & = & 468 \\
        52 & \times & 3 & = & 156 & 52 & \times & 7 & = & 364 & 52 & \times & 10 & = & 520 \\
        52 & \times & 4 & = & 208 & 52 & \times & 8 & = & 416 
\hdashline \\
$\begin{array}{@{} *{9}{c} @{}}
& & \text{Diff.} & \text{Value} & & \text{Base} & & \text{Borrow} & \text{Prev.\ Bit} \\
        11 - 15 & = & -4 < 0 & 11 & + & 16 & = & 27 & \mathrm{A} \rightarrow \underline{9} \\
        \underline{9} - 14 & = & -5 < 0 & 9 & + & 16 & = & 25 & \mathrm{F} \rightarrow \underline{\mathrm{E}}  
\end{tabular} % end of inner tabular
\end{tabular} % end of outer tabular


I still think that tabularx is the way to go.

\documentclass[12 pt, a4paper]{book}
          total={170 mm,257 mm},
          left=20 mm,
          top=20 mm,




\begin{tabularx}{\displaywidth}{ @{\hspace{1cm}} c | X @{} }
     &   &   &   & 1 & 2 & 5 & 5 \\
   5 & 2 & ) & 6 & 5 & 2 & 9 & 6 \\
     &   & - & 5 & 2 &   &   &   \\
     &   &   & 1 & 3 & 2 &   &   \\
     &   & - & 1 & 0 & 4 &   &   \\
     &   &   & 0 & 2 & 8 & 9 &   \\
     &   &   & - & 2 & 6 & 0 &   \\
     &   &   &   & 0 & 2 & 9 & 6 \\
     &   &   &   & - & 2 & 6 & 0 \\
     &   &   &   &   & 0 & 3 & 6 \\
   $\begin{array}[b]{ccccc@{\hskip 0.5in}ccccc@{\hskip 0.5in}ccccc}
      52 & \times & 1 & = &  52 & 52 & \times & 5 & = & 260 \\
      52 & \times & 2 & = & 104 & 52 & \times & 6 & = & 312 & 52 & \times &  9 & = & 468 \\
      52 & \times & 3 & = & 156 & 52 & \times & 7 & = & 364 & 52 & \times & 10 & = & 520 \\
      52 & \times & 4 & = & 208 & 52 & \times & 8 & = & 416 
   \\ \\
        & & \textbf{Difference} & \textbf{Value} & & \textbf{Base} & & \textbf{Borrow} & \textbf{Prev. Bit} \\
        11 - 15 & = & -4 < 0 & 11 & + & 16 & = & 27 & \mathrm{A} \rightarrow \underline{9} \\
        \underline{9} - 14 & = & -5 < 0 & 9 & + & 16 & = & 25 & \mathrm{F} \rightarrow \underline{\mathrm{E}}  


enter image description here

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