I'm trying to use Libertinus Serif font for typesetting both text and math.

\starttypescript [libertinusserif]
\setups[font:fallback:serif]          % security: if not found==> back to defaults
% \definefontsynonym[ConTeXt basics name] [Human readable]       [features=default]
  \definefontsynonym[Serif]                 [LibertinusSerif-Regular]       [features=default]
  \definefontsynonym[SerifItalic]           [LibertinusSerif-Italic]        [features=default]
  \definefontsynonym[SerifBold]             [LibertinusSerif-Semiold]           [features=default]
  \definefontsynonym[SerifBoldItalic]       [LibertinusSerif-SemiboldItalic]    [features=default]

\starttypescript [libertinusserif]
  \definetypeface [libertinusserif]    [rm] [serif] [libertinusserif]    [default]

\setupbodyfont[libertinusserif, 14pt]

Just some text.

Some text with \m{m+a_{th}} in it.


and it drops out with the following error:

Math error: parameter \Umathsub_shift_down\textstyle is not set

\m_syst_action_nop ...artimath #1\normalstopimath 
l.21 Some text with \m{m+a_{th}}
                               in it.

(Note: when I comment out the line with math or do not set the body font, the output is produced.)

1 Answer 1


I think one problem (the error you get) is that you do not define a math font.

If you use the standalone version, you just have to be sure to have the fonts on your system where it can be found (my $OSFONTDIR is set to $HOME/.fonts). It seems that this is not your problem, since you get the fonts when you comment out the math.

Thus, you will have these nice fonts working by adding


to your setup. The definitions seems to be taken from

  • 1
    Oh, somehow I overlooked that there's a predefined definition. I'm ready to mark the answer as accepted.
    – The_Keeper
    Commented Aug 27, 2020 at 13:59

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