I'm trying to have a github icon with a link that when pressed will open the link. This is what I have so far, I have the icon but when I click on it, the link doesn't open.
This is my latex
\item {\textbf{Resilient Classroom}
\begin {itemize}
\item A \textbf{Flutter} app with \textbf{Firebase} that's a \textbf{Google Classroom clone} for kids with dyslexia
\end {itemize}
\item {\textbf{Google CSSI-Coursera}} \extrainfo{\faGithub\href{https://github.com/Adib234/algorithms-on-graphs}
\begin {itemize}
\item Implemented \textbf{8+ graph algorithms} such as path-finding and social networks in \textbf{Python} demonstrating \textbf{data structure and algorithm proficiency}.
\end {itemize}
need two arguments, i.e.,\href{URL}{DESCRIPTION}