I want a custom headline for my introduction only.

Unfortunately, about controlling the height of the headline element, the Beamer manual says:

The size of the headline and the footline is determined as follows: Their width is always the paper width. Their height is determined by tentatively typesetting the headline and the footline right after the \begin{document} command. The head of the headline and the footline at that point is “frozen” and will be used throughout the whole document, even if the headline and footline vary in height later on (which they should not).

It should show the logical progression like this (I made the banner with Inkscape):

The current code used to manage that:



% From the manual, the headline content is necessary to compute the height of
% the headline for all the document, and is not expected to change.


\subsection{The universe}
    \begin{tcolorbox}{Bla bla}\end{tcolorbox}



    % ...

\subsection{And everything}

\includegraphics[width=\textwidth, height=0.9\textheight,keepaspectratio]%

    % ...


\section{No headlines here}


Here are the banner images:

So, the hard part is how to stick a graphics to the very top of the frame, while consuming vertical space for it? It should ideally allow for frame titles below. The banner blocks could be subsection titles, in which case a pure Beamer solution (similar to this) would likely be better.

P.S.: my real world document uses the metropolis theme.



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