I am trying to make some modificatons to a decision tree model in tikz
taken from here. The code I am using is exactly the same as that post with the only change in \documentclass[]{article}
red arrow/.style={
midway,red,sloped,fill, minimum height=3cm, single arrow, single arrow head extend=.5cm, single arrow head indent=.25cm,xscale=0.3,yscale=0.15,
allow upside down
black arrow/.style 2 args={-stealth, shorten >=#1, shorten <=#2},
black arrow/.default={1mm}{1mm},
tree box/.style={draw, rounded corners, inner sep=1em},
node box/.style={white, draw=black, text=black, rectangle, rounded corners},
for tree={l sep=3em, s sep=3em, anchor=center, inner sep=0.7em, fill=blue!50, circle, where level=2{no edge}{}}
Training Data, node box
[sample and feature bagging, node box, alias=bagging, above=4em
[,red!70,alias=a1[[,alias=a2][]][,red!70,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}[[][]][,red!70,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}[,red!70,edge label={node[below=1ex,red arrow]{}}][,alias=a3]]]]
[,red!70,alias=b1[,red!70,edge label={node[below=1ex,red arrow]{}}[[,alias=b2][]][,red!70,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}]][[][[][,alias=b3]]]]
[~~$\dots$~,scale=2,no edge,fill=none,yshift=-4em]
[,red!70,alias=c1[[,alias=c2][]][,red!70,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}[,red!70,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}[,alias=c3][,red!70,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}]][,alias=c4]]]]
\node[tree box, fit=(a1)(a2)(a3)](t1){};
\node[tree box, fit=(b1)(b2)(b3)](t2){};
\node[tree box, fit=(c1)(c2)(c3)(c4)](tn){};
\node[below right=0.5em, inner sep=0pt] at (t1.north west) {Tree 1};
\node[below right=0.5em, inner sep=0pt] at (t2.north west) {Tree 2};
\node[below right=0.5em, inner sep=0pt] at (tn.north west) {Tree $n$};
\path (t1.south west)--(tn.south east) node[midway,below=4em, node box] (mean) {mean in regression or majority vote in classification};
\node[below=3em of mean, node box] (pred) {prediction};
\draw[black arrow={5mm}{4mm}] (bagging) -- (t1.north);
\draw[black arrow] (bagging) -- (t2.north);
\draw[black arrow={5mm}{4mm}] (bagging) -- (tn.north);
\draw[black arrow={5mm}{5mm}] (t1.south) -- (mean);
\draw[black arrow] (t2.south) -- (mean);
\draw[black arrow={5mm}{5mm}] (tn.south) -- (mean);
\draw[black arrow] (mean) -- (pred);
I have been trying to do a few things:
- Make the
diagram fit inside a\documentclass[]{article}
instead of a\documentclass[tikz]{standalone}
- I have been trying to change the colors to match the following tree
Where the terminal nodes are coloured in green and red and all of the other nodes are the same colour but cannot seem to figure this part out (currently the trees in the code are red when the arrows are red. I would like to keep the arrows but just make all the colors the same - apart from the terminal nodes).
- I can change the
by modifying the following linefor tree={l sep=3em, s sep=3em, anchor=center, inner sep=0.7em, fill=blue!50, rectangle, where level=2{no edge}{}}
but it turns out to be a square.