I am trying to create a table for my first appendix but I am facing the two following problems:
- I would like to align the text of the first column to the left.
- The columns are not equally distributed along the width of the text.
I show you here the code I am using and the result of it:
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, tabularx}
\section{Suppliers´ production capacities}
Facility Name & Year & Overall Capacity \\
Text & 2020 & 1.500 \\
Text & 2020 & 1.600 \\
Text & 2020 & 2.500 \\
\caption{Supplier facilities´ production capacities}
I would be extremely grateful if someone can help me with this
should fulfill both requirements. However, I would not recommend artifically stretching a narrow table to the textwidth as the added white space does not increase readability.\begin{tabular}{@{}lcc@{}}
should be sufficient here.