Consider the answer of Ulrich Diez of this post: \pgfmathsetlengthmacro uncompatible with a loop?:
% Define the command \NiceForEachElement to ensure error-message in case it is already defined.
% This way you can ensure to a certain degree that using `\niceelement` as Foreach-variable
% does not override something that alerady exists.
% #1 preceding phrase "image-"
% #2 number of image
% Problem ===================================
% =======================================
% outside the loop the width of Image-7.jpg or example-image.jpg:
%Activate the following line in case you wish to see on screen/console what the definition of \LeftWidth looks like now:
% inside the loop:
\foreach \NiceForEachElement in {1,...,2}{%
%Activate the following line in case you wish to see on screen/console what the definition of \LeftWidth looks like now:
% On any page (begin)
\tcbitem[] \ImageLeft{\NiceForEachElement}%
% On any page (end)
It compiles great.
It also works fine with tikz
. See this working MWE:
\usepackage{tikz}% 💖💖💖 ADDED THIS 💖💖💖
% Define the command \NiceForEachElement to ensure error-message in case it is already defined.
% This way you can ensure to a certain degree that using `\niceelement` as Foreach-variable
% does not override something that alerady exists.
% #1 preceding phrase "image-"
% #2 number of image
% Problem ===================================
% =======================================
% outside the loop the width of Image-7.jpg or example-image.jpg:
%Activate the following line in case you wish to see on screen/console what the definition of \LeftWidth looks like now:
% inside the loop:
\foreach \NiceForEachElement in {1,...,2}{%
%Activate the following line in case you wish to see on screen/console what the definition of \LeftWidth looks like now:
% On any page (begin)
\tcbitem[] \ImageLeft{\NiceForEachElement}%
% On any page (end)
\begin{tikzpicture}% 💖💖💖 ADDED THIS 💖💖💖
\filldraw[black] (0,0) circle (2pt) node[anchor=west] {This was drawn inside a tikzpicture};% 💖💖💖 ADDED THIS 💖💖💖
\end{tikzpicture}% 💖💖💖 ADDED THIS 💖💖💖
However, a problem seems to arise as soon as I want to make a \newcommand
inside the tikzpicture
\usepackage{tikz}% 💖💖💖 ADDED THIS 💖💖💖
% Define the command \NiceForEachElement to ensure error-message in case it is already defined.
% This way you can ensure to a certain degree that using `\niceelement` as Foreach-variable
% does not override something that alerady exists.
% #1 preceding phrase "image-"
% #2 number of image
% Problem ===================================
% =======================================
% outside the loop the width of Image-7.jpg or example-image.jpg:
%Activate the following line in case you wish to see on screen/console what the definition of \LeftWidth looks like now:
% inside the loop:
\foreach \NiceForEachElement in {1,...,2}{%
%Activate the following line in case you wish to see on screen/console what the definition of \LeftWidth looks like now:
% On any page (begin)
\tcbitem[] \ImageLeft{\NiceForEachElement}%
% On any page (end)
\begin{tikzpicture}% 💖💖💖 ADDED THIS 💖💖💖
\filldraw[black] (0,0) circle (2pt) node[anchor=west] {This was drawn inside a tikzpicture};% 💖💖💖 ADDED THIS 💖💖💖
\newcommand\xRuler[2]{ 🍀🍀🍀🍀 NOW ADDED THIS 🍀🍀🍀🍀
\filldraw[black] (#1,#2) circle (2pt) node[anchor=west] {This was drawn inside a tikzpicture}; 🍀🍀🍀🍀 NOW ADDED THIS 🍀🍀🍀🍀
} 🍀🍀🍀🍀 NOW ADDED THIS 🍀🍀🍀🍀
\end{tikzpicture}% 💖💖💖 ADDED THIS 💖💖💖
Why is this not compiling? How can I make this compile without errors please?
P.S.: This is a minimal problem of Code 3 (trying to build/debug) of an answer to another OP.