I would like to display the following rules in a table:

% Proofs


\textbf{Inference rules}
\UnaryInfC{$\phi \Rightarrow \psi$}

    \AxiomC{$\phi \Rightarrow \psi$}
    \BinaryInfC{$\phi \Rightarrow \psi$}

    \AxiomC{$\phi$ \; $x \notin fv(\text{assumps})$}
    \UnaryInfC{$\bigwedge x. \phi$}

    \AxiomC{$\bigwedge x. \phi$}

    \UnaryInfC{$a \equiv a$}
    \AxiomC{$a \equiv b$}
    \UnaryInfC{$b \equiv a$}

    \AxiomC{$a \equiv b$}
    \AxiomC{$b \equiv c$}
    \BinaryInfC{$a \equiv c$}

    \AxiomC{$y \notin fv(a)$}
    \UnaryInfC{$(\lambda x. a) \equiv (\lambda y. a[y/x])$}

    \UnaryInfC{$(\lambda x. a)b \equiv a[b/x]$}

    \AxiomC{$x \notin fv(f)$}
    \UnaryInfC{$(\lambda x. f(x)) \equiv f$}

\item $\eta$-conversion is equivalent to extensionality:

    \AxiomC{$f(x) \equiv g(x)$}
    \UnaryInfC{$f \equiv g$}

\item It holds when $x \notin fv(f,g, \text{assumps})$.

\item The side condition in $\bigwedge$-intro is better understood with a more verbose rule:

    \AxiomC{$\Gamma \vdash \varphi(y)$}
    \RightLabel{$y \notin fv(\Gamma) \land x \notin fv(\varphi)$}
    \UnaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash \forall x. \varphi(x)$}

\item Recall that $\bigwedge x. \varphi$ is an abbreviation of $\bigwedge (\lambda x. \varphi)$. So both formulations are equal. 


Right now it looks a bit messy. But I don't know how to insert proof environments into tables!

2 Answers 2


You can place proof trees in tabular provided you use \DisplayProof rather than the full prooftree environment.

The construction \begin{prooftree}<statements>\end{prooftree} is essentially equivalent to


Here's the code I propose (I didn't touch the code in the \note).

% Proofs
% tables


\textbf{Inference rules}


\toprule[0pt] % set the anchor
  \UnaryInfC{$\phi \Rightarrow \psi$}
\\ \addlinespace \midrule \addlinespace
  \AxiomC{$\phi \Rightarrow \psi$}
  \BinaryInfC{$\phi \Rightarrow \psi$}
\\ \addlinespace \midrule \addlinespace
  \AxiomC{$\phi$ \; $x \notin fv(\text{assumps})$}
  \UnaryInfC{$\bigwedge x. \phi$}
\\ \addlinespace \midrule \addlinespace
  \AxiomC{$\bigwedge x. \phi$}

\toprule[0pt] % set the anchor
  \UnaryInfC{$a \equiv a$}
\\ \addlinespace \midrule \addlinespace
  \AxiomC{$a \equiv b$}
  \UnaryInfC{$b \equiv a$}
\\ \addlinespace \midrule \addlinespace
  \AxiomC{$a \equiv b$}
  \AxiomC{$b \equiv c$}
  \BinaryInfC{$a \equiv c$}
\\ \addlinespace \midrule \addlinespace
  \AxiomC{$y \notin fv(a)$}
  \UnaryInfC{$(\lambda x. a) \equiv (\lambda y. a[y/x])$}
\\ \addlinespace \midrule \addlinespace
  \UnaryInfC{$(\lambda x. a)b \equiv a[b/x]$}
\\ \addlinespace \midrule \addlinespace
  \AxiomC{$x \notin fv(f)$}
  \UnaryInfC{$(\lambda x. f(x)) \equiv f$}

\item $\eta$-conversion is equivalent to extensionality:

    \AxiomC{$f(x) \equiv g(x)$}
    \UnaryInfC{$f \equiv g$}

\item It holds when $x \notin fv(f,g, \text{assumps})$.

\item The side condition in $\bigwedge$-intro is better understood with a more verbose rule:

    \AxiomC{$\Gamma \vdash \varphi(y)$}
    \RightLabel{$y \notin fv(\Gamma) \land x \notin fv(\varphi)$}
    \UnaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash \forall x. \varphi(x)$}

\item Recall that $\bigwedge x. \varphi$ is an abbreviation of $\bigwedge (\lambda x. \varphi)$. So both formulations are equal. 


enter image description here


Structure the contents of a frame into blocks. Add e.g. the following definitions to your preamble.

\setbeamercolor{block title}{use=structure,fg=structure.fg,bg=structure.fg!30!bg}
\setbeamercolor{block body}{parent=normal text,use=block title,bg=block title.bg!60!bg}
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} % removes the navigation symbols that nobody uses

Use the block environment as follows:

\begin{block}{Headline of block, may be empty}
  Part of the contents of the frame

Moreover, as described in section 2.1 of the documentation of bussproofs, you can use \DisplayProof (or \DP, if you activate the shortcuts) to typeset the proof, as an alternative to the prooftree environment. The advantage is that the proof resulting from \Displayproof can also be put into a tabular.

enter image description here

\setbeamercolor{block title}{use=structure,fg=structure.fg,bg=structure.fg!30!bg}
\setbeamercolor{block body}{parent=normal text,use=block title,bg=block title.bg!60!bg}
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}


\begin{frame}{$\mathcal{M}$~-- Inference rules}
      & \AxiomC{[$\phi$]} \noLine \UnaryInfC{$\psi$}
        \UnaryInfC{$\phi \Rightarrow \psi$}
      & \AxiomC{$\phi \Rightarrow \psi$} \AxiomC{$\phi$}
        \BinaryInfC{$\phi \Rightarrow \psi$}

      & \AxiomC{$\phi$ \; $x \notin fv(\text{assumps})$}
        \UnaryInfC{$\bigwedge x. \phi$}
      & \AxiomC{$\bigwedge x. \phi$}

    & \AxiomC{}
      \UnaryInfC{$a \equiv a$}
    & \AxiomC{$a \equiv b$}
      \UnaryInfC{$b \equiv a$}
    & \AxiomC{$a \equiv b$}
      \AxiomC{$b \equiv c$}
      \BinaryInfC{$a \equiv c$}
  \begin{block}{$\lambda$ rules}
    & \AxiomC{$y \notin fv(a)$}
      \UnaryInfC{$(\lambda x. a) \equiv (\lambda y. a[y/x])$}
    & \AxiomC{}
      \UnaryInfC{$(\lambda x. a)b \equiv a[b/x]$}
    & \AxiomC{$x \notin fv(f)$}
      \UnaryInfC{$(\lambda x. f(x)) \equiv f$}
    \item $\eta$-conversion is equivalent to extensionality:

        \AxiomC{$f(x) \equiv g(x)$} \UnaryInfC{$f \equiv g$}

    \item It holds when $x \notin fv(f,g, \text{assumps})$.

    \item The side condition in $\bigwedge$-intro is better understood
      with a more verbose rule:

        \AxiomC{$\Gamma \vdash \varphi(y)$}
        \RightLabel{$y \notin fv(\Gamma) \land x \notin fv(\varphi)$}
        \UnaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash \forall x. \varphi(x)$}

    \item Recall that $\bigwedge x. \varphi$ is an abbreviation of
      $\bigwedge (\lambda x. \varphi)$. So both formulations are

  • Re-welcome to TeX.SE: I like very much your gravatar. I think to the Christmas. :-)
    – Sebastiano
    Commented Sep 12, 2020 at 21:08
  • 1
    @Sebastiano Thanks for the welcome. For us yetis it's always Christmas.
    – gernot
    Commented Sep 13, 2020 at 9:48

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