Consider this fairly minimal document, which AFAIK is the recommended way of typesetting Devanagari-script Sanskrit-language text:



किं  बहुना । परस्परं द्वैधम् उत्पन्नम् ।

When I typeset this, even when the output is visually fine, trying to copy the text from the PDF gives incorrect results each time. I've tried with both xelatex and lualatex, with four fonts all generously available online for free: Chandas, Noto Sans Devanagari, Noto Serif Devanagari, Adishila:

  • Correct text:

    • किं बहुना । परस्परं द्वैधम् उत्पन्नम् ।
  • xelatex:

    • कं बहुना । परɕपरं जैधम् उɊपਯम् । (Chandas)
    • ɫकʌ बहुना । परȺरं द्वैधम् उत्पȡम् । (Noto Sans Devanagari)
    • ȫक बहुना । परस्परं द्वैधम् उत्पन्नम् । (Noto Serif Devanagari)
    • िकं बहुना । परस्परं द्वैधम् उत्पन्नम् । (Adishila)
  • lualatex:

    • िकं बहुना । पर�परं द्वैधम् उ�पन्नम् । (Chandas)
    • िकं बहुना । परस्परं द्वैधम् उत्पन्नम् । (Noto Sans Devanagari — also, the output is broken)
    • िकं बहुना । परस्परं द्वैधम् उत्पन्नम् । (Noto Serif Devanagari — also, the output is broken)
    • िकं बzना । परस्परं द्वैधम् उत्पन्नम् । (Adishila)

So none of these are correct, though for some combinations, only the first syllable was problematic. (It doesn't matter that it's the first syllable; किं anywhere has the same issue.)

(Aside: This was using TeX Live 2020 so lualatex uses LuaHBTeX… yet the output is incorrect compared to xelatex for two of the fonts.)

Is there a way of getting the correct text to be copied?

I also tried wrapping every word using the accsupp package, like \BeginAccSupp{ActualText=किं}किं\EndAccSupp{} and so on, but that results in complete gibberish.

  • 1
    lualatex uses LuaHBTex, but unless you request HarfBuzz shaping your text is still shaped with the original fontshaper. Probably luaotfload's HarfBuzz support is the best bet for proper Copy&Paste, so please try LuaLaTeX and adding Renderer=HarfBuzz to \newfontfamily. Commented Sep 13, 2020 at 5:39
  • @MarcelKrüger Wow, that worked! (For all fonts I tried.) Just before seeing your comment, I had just arrived at another solution (wrapping every word with the code in this answer), but what you suggested is very clean and simple. Thanks! Could you post it as an answer so I can accept it? Commented Sep 13, 2020 at 5:44
  • @WillRobertson Could fontspec make Renderer=HarfBuzz the default when it’s there and the Script= requires it?
    – Davislor
    Commented Sep 13, 2020 at 6:04
  • @MarcelKrüger I never posted an update, but that solution above ended up not working in my actual use-case because of some other unrelated(?) issue with \EveryShipout (something to do with boxing and unboxing?), so I ended up indeed wrapping every word… might post an answer if I can dig up my files for these. Commented Dec 16, 2020 at 5:51

1 Answer 1


When I compile with LuaLaTeX on TeX Live 2020, I get this when I copy and paste:

किं बहुना । परस्परं द्वैधम् उत्पन्नम् ।

From the following MWE, which should also save you some typing if you also want to define \devanagarifontsf, \devanagarifonttt, etc.



  \defaultfontfeatures{ Renderer=HarfBuzz, Ligatures=TeX }

%% Font available at:
%% https://www.google.com/get/noto/#serif-deva
\newfontfamily\devanagarifont[Script=Devanagari]{Noto Serif Devanagari}

किं  बहुना । परस्परं द्वैधम् उत्पन्नम् ।

This still does not, however, copy-paste correctly from XeLaTeX.

I normally use babel, which among other things can auto-detect the language I type in, but the solution is very similar.

As Marcel Kruger said in the comments, modern LuaLaTeX supports HarfBuzz rendering, but you need to select it.

  • Thank you! It doesn't actually work with xelatex (that is, the copied output isn't right), but \defaultfontfeatures is good to know about. Commented Sep 13, 2020 at 6:57
  • Although this doesn't work with xelatex it does work with lualatex, so I'm accepting this as the answer: that the only way to get correct searchable/copyable text for Devanagari is to use lualatex with HarfBuzz. There's a particular case in which (even) this doesn't work currently (another question), but that's more of a fringe case which may get solved in its own way, and I just discovered today that the solution I was using for that case doesn't work for regular inline text. So this is best. Commented Dec 23, 2020 at 10:50

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