I'm using uarial as text font and want to use newtxsf as a nearly matching math font. I scaled uarial to match the height of latin modern as described in this post: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/206677.
Still I'm encountering two problems:
- I don't know how to scale newtxsf correctly, since \the\ht0 stays the same when I change the scaled option. If there is no way to display the height directly I would try some values and choose the one that fits the most.
- in math mode, "sin", "cos", ... are not set in uarial but in latin modern. Is there a way to tell newtxsf to use \sffamily instead of \rmfamily? I tried to solve this using the newtxsf documentation but failed. Or is there another package that matched uarial?
My Code so far
\documentclass[fontsize=12pt, paper=a4, parskip=half]{scrreprt}
\textbf{Displaying height of fonts}\par
\sbox0{\sffamily A}heros: \the\ht0 \\
\sbox0{\rmfamily A}latin modern: \the\ht0\\
\sbox0{\ttfamily A}newtxsf: \the\ht0\par
\textbf{Math mode} $ Q = P\tan(\varphi)$