Given points A and B, I want to draw a square with vertices A and B. enter image description here

Of course, there are two possible squares along with a segment AB.

First, I thought that it could be drawn by using "rotate around={90:(A)}". This works well for moving a point, but it is not good for drawing a tilted square.

Using a perpendicular line through B is another way. But, it requires the length of AB. So, it makes too complicated codes.

I think there is a simple method to draw a square with given vertices. Could you let me know?

3 Answers 3


You cal use the calc library.

       \coordinate (A) at (0,0);
       \coordinate (B) at (3,1);
       \fill (A) circle (0.1);
       \fill (B) circle (0.1);
       \draw (A) node[below] {A} -- (B) node[below] {B} -- ($ (B)!1!-90:(A) $) -- ($ (A)!1!90:(B) $) -- cycle;



The tkz-euclide package has a lot of features for making geometric constructions, including making a square from two previously defined coordinates:


The first line defines the square based on A and B. The seconds gets the coordinates of the last two corners, and creates named coordinates C and D.

       \coordinate (A) at (0,0);
       \coordinate (B) at (3,1);

Something like this? tikz/turn is a good choice. enter image description here

\documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone}
\NewDocumentCommand { \mysquare } { s O{} D(){a} D(){b} }
    \pgf@xa = \pgf@x
    \pgf@ya = \pgf@y
      sqrt( (\pgf@x - \pgf@xa)^2 + (\pgf@y - \pgf@ya)^2 )
    \IfBooleanT { #1 } { \def\square@sign{-} }
    \draw[#2] (#3) -- (#4)
      -- ([turn]\square@sign 90:\square@l pt)
      -- ([turn]\square@sign 90:\square@l pt)
      -- cycle;

\coordinate [label=below left:$A$] (a) at (0, 0);
\coordinate [label=right:$B$] (b) at (2, 3);
\coordinate [label=above:$C$] (c) at (2, 1);
\mysquare*[thick, red](a)(c)

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