How can I draw a four-bar linkage with all the hinges and beams, like this in the picture??
I'm just starting out with LaTex ... This is what I made :
\draw [->] (0,0) -- (10,0) node [above left] {$\operatorname{X} $};
\draw [->] (0,0) -- (0,10) node [below right] {$\operatorname{Y} $};
\coordinate (x) at (0.3,0);
\coordinate (y) at (0,0.3);
\coordinate (w) at (2,0);
\coordinate (k) at (-0.4,4.2945);
\draw pic[draw, "$\theta_2$", ->, angle eccentricity=1.3,angle radius =
0.6cm] {angle = x--a--b};
\draw pic[draw, "$\theta_4$", ->, angle eccentricity=1.3,angle radius = 1cm]
{angle = w--d--c};
\draw pic[draw, "$\theta_3$", ->, angle eccentricity=1.3,angle radius = 1cm]
{angle = k--b--a};
\draw (-1.6485,4.2945) -- (-0.5,4.2945);
\draw [dash dot] (-1.6485,4.2945) -- (.9,0);
% I wanna make the center of mass and place it where a want...