I'm using document class report and I have decided for chapter headings to use one of the predefined style of Vincent Zoonekynd's like this:

\def\LigneVerticale{\vrule height 1.5cm depth 0.9cm\hspace{0.1cm}\relax}
  \rlap{\vrule height 0.8cm width 1cm depth 0.2cm}%
  \rlap{\hbox to 1cm{\hss\mbox{\color{black}#1}\hss}}%
  \vrule height 0pt width 1cm depth 0pt}}}
}\par\vskip 0.5cm}
}\par\vskip 0.3cm}

    \chapter{Here we go}

However, I would like to make some changes.

  1. I would need to move all construction up to the page, in other words to get smaller space between the top of any page and the construction.

  2. I would like to change the small box. I would prefer white square with black number (not like this one-black square with white number).

  • 1
    I've taken the liberty of expanding your code into a compilable MWE (minimum working example), incorporating your note that you use the report document class. The main change is that I had to change the instruction \white #1 to \textcolor{white}{#1}.
    – Mico
    Commented May 18, 2012 at 16:05

1 Answer 1

  1. Since you've redefined \@makechapterhead and \@makeschapterhead (responsible for creating the entire chapter header when using \chapter and \chapter*, respectively), the chapter heading starts at the top of the text block. You may be referring to moving the entire text block up (or reduce the top margin). For this I would suggest using geometry.

  2. Here's a MWE that provides what you're after. However, inserting a white block with a black number doesn't show up as needed:

    enter image description here

    \usepackage{showframe}% http://ctan.org/pkg/showframe
    \usepackage{xcolor}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor
    \def\LigneVerticale{\vrule height 2cm depth 1.4cm\hspace{0.1cm}\relax}
      \rlap{\vrule height 0.8cm width 1cm depth 0.2cm}%
      \rlap{\hbox to 1cm{\hss\mbox{\color{black}#1}\hss}}%
      \vrule height 0pt width 1cm depth 0pt}}
    }\par\vskip 0.3cm}
    }\par\vskip 0.3cm}
    \chapter{A chapter}

    The following definition of \GrosCarreAveUnChiffre

      \rlap{\vrule height 0.8cm width 1cm depth 0.2cm}%
      \rlap{\hbox to 1cm{\hss\mbox{\color{black}#1}\hss}}%
      \vrule height 0pt width 1cm depth 0pt}}}

    yields a boxes chapter number:

    enter image description here

    Another alternative - moving the header construction vertically is obtained using

    }\par\vskip 0.3cm}
    }\par\vskip 0.3cm}

    which moves the vertical lines to the top of the page header. Of course, replacing the expression within \vspace* with a fixed dimension (say, -30pt) will displace it vertically with that amount.

    enter image description here

    showframe was added to highlight the text block boundary (in response to (1) above).

  • &Werner: Thank you. That's almost what I wanted. I just wanted to ask if you know how to put around the white square black borders.
    – Laura
    Commented May 18, 2012 at 21:07
  • Don't use showframe package in the above. The rest of it is defined as above. Now I want to move all together (lines and chapter number and chapter name) up closer to the top of the page. I don't like too much empty space above the construction.
    – Laura
    Commented May 18, 2012 at 22:33
  • @Jane: As mentioned in my answer, you don't need to showframe package. I just added it to provide a frame of reference. So, by all means, remove it. It should solve your problem of moving the header upward by inserting \vspace*{<len>} (where you specify <len>, a negative length) as I've indicated.
    – Werner
    Commented May 18, 2012 at 22:40

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