I am using wrapfigure
environment but I am getting some unwanted output. My code is
\begin{mdframed}[backgroundcolor = gray!20]
and the output is
You can see at the bottom the frame is showing at the left only. How to get it normal? Please help.
[Edit] Observation after the answer of @Bernard.
Please consider another example:
Consider a unit circle centered at (0,0).
Take a point $P(x_0,y_0)$ on circle and let $\angle AOP=\theta$ then we have
\cos\theta=x_0,\ \sin\theta=y_0.
Since a point $P(x_0,y_0)$ lies on a unit circle so
x_0\in[-1,1],\ y_0\in[-1,1].
Conversely, if take any number from $-1$ to $1$ then we can find a point on unit circle whose $x$ coordinate equals that number and also we can find a point whose $y$ coordinate equals that number.
Thus, we have
\cos\theta&\in [-1,1]\\
%[Some details are skipped.]
Hence we get,
And the output is Please see at the bottom part how it is showing at the left only.