In equations (2) and (3), both of which use TikZ, how do I get the arrow tips to be the same as those produced as in equation (1) by the math font in use?
\begin{equation} % eq 1
A \longrightarrow B \rightarrow C
\begin{equation} % eq 2
A \arrow[r]{$f$} & B
\begin{equation} % eq 3
middlearrow/.style 2 args={
mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow{>}, \node[#1]{#2};}
\draw[middlearrow={below}{$\sigma$}] (0,0) -- (2,0);
\draw[thick,->=-latex] (0, -1) -- (2, -1);
[![Want TikZ arrow tips to match tips of math font's arrows][1]][1]
Note: I am not asking the reverse question! That is, I am not asking how to modify the arrows produced by \rightarrow
, etc., to match those produced by TikZ.
Addition: I have the same question — just about matching the arrow heads, not about the syntax — but for using TeX Gyre Termes Math font (with XeLaTeX) instead of newtxmath. See: How make TikZ arrow tips match arrows with TeX Gyre Termes Math font? [1]:
\draw[thick,->=-Straight Barb] (0, -1) -- (2, -1);
but get no change! And I haven't a clue to the correct syntax to get it in themiddlearrow