As you can see from the following MWE, it would be really great to adjust the widths individually for a couple of columns individually. Also how can I decrease the page margins of the table, if the need arises?
\caption{Add caption}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Variable } & Source & Spatial coverage & Temporal coverage & Frequency \\
Urban Social Disturbances & USDAA, PRIO, Oslo & 55 cities (49 countries) & 1960-2010 & Event-based \\
Local food prices & FAO GIEWS database & 43 markets (in common with USDAA) & 1990-Present (unbalanced) & Monthly \\
Total population & WDI 2010, World Bank & 190 countries & 1960-2011 & Annual \\
Urban population (as p.c. of total) & WDI 2010, World Bank & 190 countries & 1960-2011 & Annual \\
Internet penetration & WDI 2010, World Bank & 177 countries & 1960-2011 & Annual \\
Percapita GDP (constant, 2000 level) & WDI 2010, World Bank & 248 countries & 1960-2011 & Annual \\
Index of democracy & QoG database, U of Gothenberg & 202 countries & 1960-2011 & Annual \\