Mathscinet gives bibtex entries with both a doi
and a url
field included. Typically they look something like
@article {some-article,
DOI = {10.1016/j.apal.2008.12.003},
URL = {},
I'm using amsalpha.bst
, modified with urlbst
to process both these fields. Of course, this means that they both appear, completely redundantly, in my bibliography!
My question is: what's the principled way to deal with this? Here are the options I've thought of so far:
Modify the bib file so it checks for this redundancy, and doesn't typeset the url in such cases. This seems ideal if it's possible; has anyone already done something like this? If not, is it likely to be doable by someone with a little programming experience but no existing understanding of .bst files?
Use a bibstyle that typesets one of
but not both. Not ideal: other bib entries might have only one but not both, or might have a url different from the doi.Comment out (or delete) the `url' field by hand, in the bib file, in these cases. This is what I'm currently doing. Seems a little clunky; also, somewhat violates “separation of form from content”: having the fields the same is correct as content, it’s just inappropriate for them then to both be typeset.
Related question: How to get DOI links in bibliography