I have made a table with the following structure

\begin{tabular}{ ||c|c|c|| } 
 \textbf{Embedding} & {BiLSTM+attn} & {BiLSTM+CNN+attn} \\
 BERT & 89.9\% & 89.8\% \\
 DistilBERT & 89.6\% & 90.8\%  \\ 
 RoBERTa & \textbf{90.5}\% & \textbf{90.8\% } \\ 

With the output as this


The problem is it is getting overlapped with the right side column of paper. I also used the \\ command for newline but it is giving a totally distorted table.

output 2

I want the +attn in both the columns to appear below BiLSTM and BiLSTM+CNN respectively. But I can't find a way. Please help.

  • 1
    Take a look at the makecell package.
    – leandriis
    Commented Oct 12, 2020 at 6:51
  • Thanks. It worked. Commented Oct 12, 2020 at 7:24

2 Answers 2


It’s easy peasy with tblr environment of tabularray package:




\begin{tblr}{ ||c|c|c|| } 
 \textbf{Embedding} & {BiLSTM\\+attn} & {BiLSTM+CNN\\+attn} \\
 BERT & 89.9\% & 89.8\% \\
 DistilBERT & 89.6\% & 90.8\%  \\ 
 RoBERTa & \textbf{90.5}\% & \textbf{90.8\% } \\ 


enter image description here


You could just break the +attn into their own row.



\begin{tabular}{ ||c|c|c|| } 
 \textbf{Embedding} & {BiLSTM} & {BiLSTM+CNN} \\[-0.25ex]
                    &  +attn   &    +attn     \\
 BERT & 89.9\% & 89.8\% \\
 DistilBERT & 89.6\% & 90.8\%  \\ 
 RoBERTa & \textbf{90.5}\% & \textbf{90.8\% } \\ 


Note that I added a small adjustment to pull the extra row up for better spacing.

enter image description here

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