With this choice of font, I'm getting a this warning:
Font shape `U/esvect/m/n' in size <6.5> not available (Font) size <6> substituted on input line 11.
I understand what it means and what causes it (that the chosen font isn't available in the stated size, so an available different size is substituted). It doesn't happen with every font I try. I can live with it, but would like to be able to eliminate it. My question is whether or not there is anything I can do within my font setup, short of using another font, to eliminate it. I have searched this site, the unicode-math
docs, the fontspec
docs, and the web in general and haven't found anything obviously relevant.
% !TEX TS-program = lualatexmk
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\setmathfont{TeX Gyre DejaVu Math}
\( \vv{a} \)
To avoid it you will have to change the font definitions of esvect.