I need to draw the following tetrahedron using tikz/pgf ?
I need to place the two vertices Given by AC) of the triangular base on x-axis and y-axis while the other on xyz-space and the top vertex V as usual in xyz-space as shown in the figure. I need to fill with different colors on the visible faces.
I am trying the following code but it is not that good as shown in the following figure, no x-axis, y-axis, z-axis are plotted.
\documentclass[12 pt]{amsart}
\path (4,5,1) coordinate (V)
(3,2,1) coordinate (B)
(0,1,0) coordinate (C)
(3,0,0) coordinate (A);
\draw[thick,fill=cyan] (A) -- (C) -- (V) -- cycle;
\draw[thick,fill=black] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;
\draw[thick,fill=blue] (B) -- (C) -- (V) -- cycle;
Please help to draw the above tetrahedron