The sketch below has a newcommand
to insert a TikZ code to draw an Among us Crewmate.
This is not a fully functional design, but there are options of colors and two emotions: angry
and very angry
This is just a kick start in order to (one day) become something as good as other packages.
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={very thick}]
% Backpack
\draw[fill=#2, rounded corners = 3mm] (1,1) rectangle ++(0.8,3.2);
% Body
\draw[fill=#2, rounded corners = 3mm] (1.5,0) -- (1.5,5)
arc (124.8074:103.8454:5) arc (80.6307:58.1808:5)-- (5,0) -- (3.7,0)
{[rounded corners = 0mm] -- (3.7,1) coordinate(A) -- (2.7,1)}
-- (2.7,0) -- cycle;
% Eyes
{\draw[fill=#3] plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
{(4.3,4.7) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.2) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};}
{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{very angry}}
{\draw[fill=#3] plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
{(4.4,4.3) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.6) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};}
{\draw[fill=#3] plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
{(4.3,4.9) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.2) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};}
% Leg detail
\draw plot[smooth, tension=.7] coordinates {(A) (3.9,1) (4.2,1.1)};
\FHZamongUs[very angry]{red}{cyan}
New Styles with shadows
Using the idea of a scope
inside a newcommand
from this answer and the shade style from this video, I updated the previous drawing into a style spliting each part and creating newcommand
s to combine them.
It is still not the best approach to create shades but the result and new implementation are much better than the previous attempt.
I still intend to add a hand, create the emotions in the shade-ish style and update it as a package in CTAN
The FHZ-amongUs.sty
\ProvidesPackage{FHZ-amongUs}[2020-10-18 Custom Package for my AmongUs sketch]
% ======================================= Style 0 -- Original Idea
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={very thick}]
% Backpack
\draw[fill=#2, rounded corners = 3mm] (1,1) rectangle ++(0.8,3.2);
% Body
\draw[fill=#2, rounded corners = 3mm] (1.5,0) -- (1.5,5)
arc (124.8074:103.8454:5) arc (80.6307:58.1808:5)-- (5,0) -- (3.7,0)
{[rounded corners = 0mm] -- (3.7,1) coordinate(A) -- (2.7,1)}
-- (2.7,0) -- cycle;
% Eyes
{\draw[fill=#3] plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
{(4.3,4.7) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.2) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};}
{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{very angry}}
{\draw[fill=#3] plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
{(4.4,4.3) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.6) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};}
{\draw[fill=#3] plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
{(4.3,4.9) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.2) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};}
% Leg detail
\draw plot[smooth, tension=.7] coordinates {(A) (3.9,1) (4.2,1.1)};
% =======================================
% ======================================= Style I -- Manual Shade
\fill[#2, rounded corners = 3mm] (1,1) coordinate(R1) rectangle ++(0.8,3.2) coordinate(R2);
\fill[black!30!#2, rounded corners = 3mm] (R1) -| ($(R2)+(0,-0.2)$)
{[sharp corners]-- (1,3.5)}
-- cycle;
\draw[rounded corners = 3mm] (1,1) rectangle ++(0.8,3.2);
\fill[black!30!#2, rounded corners = 3mm] (1.5,0) -- (1.5,5)
arc (124.8074:103.8454:5) arc (80.6307:58.1808:5)-- (5,0) -- (3.7,0)
{[rounded corners = 0mm] -- (3.7,1) -- (2.7,1)}
-- (2.7,0) -- cycle;
\fill[#2] plot[smooth, tension=.7]
coordinates {(1.9436,5.2721) (2.0594,2.4257) (2.9347,1.3971)
(4.4826,1.7343) (4.9666,3.0446) (4.9686,4.0294)
(4.9797,4.7974) (4.6523,5.2436) (3.4183,5.6907) (2.5265,5.5757)};
\draw[rounded corners = 3mm] (1.5,0) -- (1.5,5)
arc (124.8074:103.8454:5) arc (80.6307:58.1808:5)-- (5,0) -- (3.7,0)
{[sharp corners] -- (3.7,1) coordinate(A) -- (2.7,1)}
-- (2.7,0) -- cycle;
% Leg detail
\draw plot[smooth, tension=.7] coordinates {(A) (3.9,1) (4.2,1.1)};
\fill[#2] plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
{(4.3,4.9) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.2) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};
{plot[smooth, tension=.7] coordinates {(3.1,4.7) (3.2964,4.8157) (3.2633,4.3111) (3.4423,3.8301)
(3.794,3.6464) (4.3087,3.5904) (4.9485,3.5904) (5.2338,3.5723) (4.7492,3.2515) (3.5071,3.2661) (3.0208,3.6849) (2.9691,4.3844)}};
\draw plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
{(4.3,4.9) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.2) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};
\fill[white] plot[smooth cycle, tension=0.7]
coordinates {(4.3069,4.7316) (4.581,4.7457) (4.8219,4.7029) (4.9541,4.5887) (4.7168,4.5055) (4.3152,4.525) (4.168,4.6295)};
% =======================================
% ======================================= Style II -- shade
\draw[shade, top color=#2, bottom color=#2!5!black, middle color=#2, rounded corners = 3mm]
(1,1) rectangle ++(0.8,3.2);
\draw[shade, top color=#2, bottom color=#2!5!black, middle color=#2,
rounded corners = 3mm]
(1.5,0) -- (1.5,5)
arc (124.8074:103.8454:5) arc (80.6307:58.1808:5)-- (5,0) -- (3.7,0)
{[rounded corners = 0mm] -- (3.7,1) coordinate(A) -- (2.7,1)}
-- (2.7,0) -- cycle;
% Leg detail
\draw plot[smooth, tension=.7] coordinates {(A) (3.9,1) (4.2,1.1)};
\draw[shade, inner color=white!95!black, outer color=#2] plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
{(4.3,4.9) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.2) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};
% =======================================
The main.tex
% ===========
% ===========
% ===========
\FHZamongUsOriginal[very angry]{white}{black}
and the results are:
Update 2
Avaliable in CTAN
I updated drawings, syntax and names creating a package that is now avaliable at
The documentation also presents some interesting applications such as animation and page numbering.