How can I force caption to align to the left corner of the image above it and also not be wider than the image in this code example?
\usepackage{caption} % for source
\usepackage[export]{adjustbox} % valign
\newcommand{\imagesource}[1]{{\scriptsize Source: #1}}
\begin{minipage}[t]{.475\textwidth} % [t][][b]
\begin{tabular}[t]{ @{} r @{} }
\includegraphics[width = .9\linewidth,valign=t]{example-image} \\
\imagesource{(EU 2020)}
\begin{tabular}[t]{ @{} r @{} }
\includegraphics[width = .7\linewidth,valign=t]{example-image} \\
\imagesource{(IEA 2019)}
\caption{This is a caption for the first image.}\label{fig:image1}
\caption{This is a caption for the second image.}\label{fig:image2}