I have an article class with multiple sections. I would like to include more values in TOC, beside just the title of the section, in a table representation. For better understanding: it will be a song book, where the section does not have a "title", but "song title" and "interpret". The following ssce shows what I mean:



    \section*{Expected TOC}{
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\textbf{\#}} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Title}} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Interpret}} \\ \hline
        1                                 & FIRST VALUE                         & SECOND VALUE                            \\ \hline
        2                                 & FIRST - VALUE - WITH - HYPEN        & STILL SECOND VALUE                      \\ \hline
        3                                 & FIRST - VALUE - WITH - HYPEN        & ALSO SECOND VALUE - WITH HYPEN          \\ \hline



Based on the sections I try to create the result from "Expected TOC". But unfortunatly I am not able to find any help online. I assume I am using wrong buzzwords for it. Can anyone point in the right direction to look at? Since I am using leadsheet package for the chord notation I am limited to "section" usage.

Here is an example of more real scenario:


    \ifsongmeasuring {

\setleadsheets{title-template = title}

    \begin{song}{title={Song 1}, interpret={Author 1}}
            Mary had a little lamb \\
            Its fleece was white as snow, yea \\
    \begin{song}{title={Song 2}, interpret={Auth fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsafsor 2}}
            Mary had a little lamb \\
            Its fleece was white as snow, yea \\
    \begin{song}{title={Song fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdas 3}, interpret={Author 3}}
            Mary had a little lamb \\
            Its fleece was white as snow, yea \\

The section title contains \hfill between the values, but it makes the song title left aligned and the interpret right aligned.

  • Welcome to TeX.se. Do you really need the lines? Getting the data into a TOC isn't that hard, but contents lists aren't set as tabular material and so things that you can do with regular tables aren't so trivial.
    – Alan Munn
    Commented Oct 21, 2020 at 17:59
  • I do not need the lines, but I need the list of interprets be on the same level. On the other hand, I only assume, that its a topic for TOC, maybe there is another way without tableofcontents usage Commented Oct 21, 2020 at 18:01
  • The leadsheets information seems quite relevant. It's a complex package (or class) that can do a lot of things, so you may want to edit your question to show a minimal example using it rather than the one you've shown us here.
    – Alan Munn
    Commented Oct 21, 2020 at 18:06
  • Looking quickly at the documentation it seems that you should define a new songtitle template modeled on the tabular template, and then simply add the relevant information you want to the \section code. E.g. \section[\songproperty{title}\hfill\songproperty{music}]{\songproperty{title}}
    – Alan Munn
    Commented Oct 21, 2020 at 18:36
  • I added a more realistic example with your suggestion about hfill. It makes the interpreter righ aligned. I assume this is exactly what you ment by "not tabular material" regarding table of content? Commented Oct 21, 2020 at 18:54

1 Answer 1


I was able to achive the goal using etoc and substr packages. With etoc package it is possible to create tables as TOC and with substr package I am extracting the parts of the section title:


    \ifsongmeasuring {

\setleadsheets{title-template = title}


  {\etocnumber & \BeforeSubString{!-!?!}{\etocthename} & \BehindSubString{!-!?!}{\etocthename}}

    \multicolumn{3}{c}{\Large\bfseries\strut\strut Songlist}
    \ & \textbf{Title} & \textbf{Interpret}

    \begin{song}{title={Song 1}, interpret={Author 1}}
            Mary had a little lamb \\
            Its fleece was white as snow, yea \\
    \begin{song}{title={Song 2}, interpret={Auth fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsafsor 2}}
            Mary had a little lamb \\
            Its fleece was white as snow, yea \\
    \begin{song}{title={Song fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdas 3}, interpret={Author 3}}
            Mary had a little lamb \\
            Its fleece was white as snow, yea \\

This ends up as expected: Result of the code above I am not sure if this string handling really is the "latex way" to go, but it works.

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