I want to use hyperref in order to create hyperlinks so I can, say, click on a reference to an equation and jump to that equation, or to click on a citation in the text and jump to that reference in the bibliography.
However, I DO NOT want the references in the bibliography themselves to be "clickable", meaning they link to an external website containing the original reference.
I am using
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=phys, biblabel=brackets, sorting=nyt,
doi=false, isbn=false, url=false]{biblatex}
Including hyperref=false
in biblatex removes the clickable hyperlinks in the references, however also the hyperlinks from the text TO the references, which I want to keep.
The only solution I have found is manually commenting both doi
and url
in my .bib file, which is tedious.
doi=false, url=false,
, but by default URLs for the@online
type are never hidden.)\let\url\gobble
just before\bibliography{...}
is enough already? (Didn't test.)