In my environment I would like to automatically make a box around each individual line of text in a paragraph so that I can operate on each line. I think this should really be done in LaTeX rather than plain TeX as not to break text coloring and wrapping. I have been on this for some time now and it is still not obvious how to do this safely with LaTeX so any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is for typesetting boustrophedonic writing as seen in Safaic, Sabean and some ancient Greek writing systems as well as reverse-boustrophedonic text as seen in Rongorongo (Easter Island). For boustrophedon I can just mirror every other line with \reflectbox
because this writing direction moves like an ox turns in the field. For rongrongo I can use \rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{
because every other line is rotated 180 degrees.
page 72, from TeX by Topic.