In my beamer presentation I have a frame where I used an animated smart diagram as follows:


\smartdiagramset{description title text width=1.5cm,
description text width=11cm,description width=12cm, descriptive items y sep=55pt}

\smartdiagramanimated[descriptive diagram]{
  {Step 1,{Defining Step 1}},
  {Step 2,{Defining Step 2}},
  {Step 3,{Defining Step 3}},
  {Step 4,{Defining Step 4}}}


The problem is I have a footer that disappears during the animation then after the final step of animation the final slide is repeated with the footer. My question is how can I make the footer appear during the animation and avoid the duplicated final slide?final step of the animation

the slide is repeated with the footer

1 Answer 1


The problem is basically the same as \pause in tikzpicture breaks footline : on shouldn't use \pause within a tikzpicture, otherwise bad things will happen.

The solution is just a bit more complicate as the pause is deeply hidden in the smartdiagram code:



\RenewDocumentCommand{\smartdiagramanimated}{r[] m}{%
   \IfNoValueTF{#1}{% true-no value 1
      \PackageError{smartdiagram}{Type of the diagram not inserted. Please insert it}
      {Example: \protect\smartdiagram[flow diagram]}}
   {%false-no value 1
      \PackageError{smartdiagram}{Type of the diagram not inserted. Please insert it}
      {Example: \protect\smartdiagram[flow diagram]}
   \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{descriptive diagram}{% true-descriptive diagram
   \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center,let hypenation}]
   \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{%

   \foreach \subitem [count=\xii] in \smitem{%
   \ifnumequal{\xii}{1}{% true
   \visible<+->{\node[description title,drop shadow, smvisible on=<\subitemvisible->]
   (module-title\xi) at (0,0-\xi*\sm@core@descriptiveitemsysep) {\subitem};}
   \ifnumequal{\xii}{2}{% true
   \visible<+->{\node[description,drop shadow,smvisible on=<\subitemvisible->]
   (module\xi)at (0,0-\xi*\sm@core@descriptiveitemsysep) {\subitem};}
   }{}% end-descriptive diagram
   }% end-no value 1
}% end-command



\smartdiagramanimated[descriptive diagram]{
  {Step 1,{Defining Step 1}},
  {Step 2,{Defining Step 2}},
  {Step 3,{Defining Step 3}},
  {Step 4,{Defining Step 4}}}


enter image description here

Another approach could be to patch tikzpicture (use at your own risk, no idea what other problems this might cause):




\smartdiagramanimated[descriptive diagram]{
  {Step 1,{Defining Step 1}},
  {Step 2,{Defining Step 2}},
  {Step 3,{Defining Step 3}},
  {Step 4,{Defining Step 4}}}




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