Hello this is my first post so sorry if i am not clear enough somewhere. I have been trying to write my lab report using Revtex 4.2. I also used the fancyhdr package to generate a headline with some text in it. That worked fine for all of the pages expect from the first one. By messing around with the code i realised that this is due to \maketitle which clashes with fancyhdr.


\rhead{text 1}
 \lhead{text 2}
 \chead{\large{text 3}}







enter image description here

However if i comment out the \maketitle command it works


    \rhead{text 1}
    \lhead{text 2}
    \chead{\large{text 3}}







enter image description here

How can i fix that and have both title+abstract and the headline on the page? Thank you in advance.

1 Answer 1


The plain page style is used on the page on which you used \maketitle. You can overcome this by adding \thispagestyle{fancy} right after the \maketitle command:

enter image description here


\rhead{text 1}
\lhead{text 2}
\chead{\large{text 3}}





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