If I have two incollections that are crossref-ed to the same collection, the collection-entry will be placed in the bibliography (mincrossref by default set at 2).

Would it be possible to shorten the collection-entry in the bibliography as soon as this threshold of mincrossref is hit?


title = {Ungleichheit in Deutschland – ein »gehyptes Problem«?},
editor = {Eicker-Wolf, Kai and Truger, Achim},
location = {Marburg},
year = {2017},

author = {Schreiner, Patrick},
title = {Löhne und Verteilung},
crossref = {EickerWolf2017},
pages = {47--78},

author = {Bosch, Gerhard and Kalina, Thorsten},
title = {Die deutsche Mittelschicht aus der Arbeitsmarktperspektive},
crossref = {EickerWolf2017},
pages = {111--142},


I would like to have the collection-entry remain the same if it is crossrefed once, but look something like the following when referenced twice to save some space:

In: Eicker-Wolf and Truger (2017: 111–142).

(With more than two editors, it would be »editor 1 (et al.)«)

Could somebody point me where to begin? This question suggests using \ifentryinbib to define a conditional, but doesn’t actually give any instructions in formatting the desired entry.

1 Answer 1


The styles of the biblatex-ext bundle (disclaimer: I'm the author) come with an option called citexref that does pretty much that.

In this example I chose an author-year base style instead of an author-title style, because you used author-year in your example.


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=ext-authoryear-ibid, citexref=true]{biblatex}


  title    = {Ungleichheit in Deutschland – ein »gehyptes Problem«?},
  editor   = {Eicker-Wolf, Kai and Truger, Achim},
  location = {Marburg},
  year     = {2017},
  author   = {Schreiner, Patrick},
  title    = {Löhne und Verteilung},
  crossref = {EickerWolf2017},
  pages    = {47--78},
  author   = {Bosch, Gerhard and Kalina, Thorsten},
  title    = {Die deutsche Mittelschicht aus der Arbeitsmarktperspektive},
  crossref = {EickerWolf2017},
  pages    = {111--142},


Bosch, Gerhard und Thorsten Kalina (2017). „Die deutsche Mittelschicht aus der Arbeitsmarktperspektive“. In: Eicker-Wolf und Truger 2017, S. 111–142.


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