I was wondering whether it's possible to combine nodes and arrows (which are defined only in relation to the positioning of the "parent node") in a shared tikzset?
A minimum working example is the following:
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
% \tikzset{arrow/.style={-latex, shorten >= 5pt, shorten <= 5pt}}
% \tikzset{diff/.style={-latex, shorten >= 5pt, shorten <= 5pt}}
% \tikzset{node/.style={draw, circle, fill, red, scale=0.25}}
\tikzset{LSTMCell/.style={draw, rectangle, red, scale=1.}}
\clip (-3,3) rectangle (10,-3);
\node (lstm0) [LSTMCell] at (0,0) {LSTM};
\draw [-latex, red, draw] ([xshift=-0.0cm]lstm0.185) arc[radius=0.4cm, start angle=90, end angle=360] node[midway, red, fill=white](){\scriptsize $c(t)$};
Instead of defining an extra draw command to draw the little circle, I'd like to somehow move the draw command into the \tikzset{LSTMCell/.style={...}}
Is something like that possible?
Many thanks in advance!