I am using the tabto package, suggested here. However, I seem to run into difficulties when I try to use \tabto in an itemize environment that is nested in an enumerate environment (via the enumitem package). Here is a MWE:



\noindent Some text.
      \item{cucumber}\tabto{3.0cm}hard as a rock
More text.


I would like "crisp," "soft," "crunchy," etc to align with "fruit" and "vegetable."

I am thinking that the "misalignment" indicates that tabto is measuring relative to the indentation of the itemize environment. If I could somehow subtract the width of the indentation, I should be able to get the alignment I'm looking for. How should I do this, or should I be using a completely different approach?

(FYI, my thesis is not actually about fruits and vegetables!)

1 Answer 1


enter image description here



\noindent Some text.
  \item{fruit} \tabto{3.0cm+\leftmargin-\labelwidth-\labelsep-\itemindent} sweet
      \item{apple} \tabto{3.0cm-\leftmargin} crisp
      \item{banana} \tabto{3.0cm-\leftmargin} soft
  \item{vegetable} \tabto{3.0cm+\leftmargin-\labelwidth-\labelsep-\itemindent} savory
      \item{carrot} \tabto{3.0cm-\leftmargin} crunchy
      \item{cucumber}\tabto{3.0cm-\leftmargin} hard as a rock
More text.


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